Monday, December 28, 2009

Is my husband trying to sabotage my mental health improvements?

I've been dealing with depression over several bouts of cancer. I decided to seek professional help. I've seen two psychiatrists now and they both say my husband is sabotaging my improvements so that he can keep me in control. They claim that he prefers that I am depressed as he has more freedoms when I depressed. For instance, when I am happy and smiling, he has a habit of getting right in my face and saying, ';I caught you! You're smiling and depressed people aren't allowed to do that!'; On repeated occasions, I've told him that I don't like it. We will have plans to do something that day, but after he does this several times, I get depressed. At that point he tells me that since I'm depressed, he's going to make other plans to go out with the guys for game of golf or to the bar to drink. Do you agree/disagree with the psychiatrists? I am too close to this situation to decide.Is my husband trying to sabotage my mental health improvements?
I agree with what the others have said. Maybe think about this question too:

Why does he NEED to do or say that?

He doesn't. So it's not like it's something he keeps forgetting. He knows exactly what he is doing. You are smiling and happy, and he wants to remind you of depression. He knows you don't like it and he does it anyway, repeatedly in fact.

This is no different than the people who sabotage other person's diets or personal goals. Do you know why they do that? They dont want the other person to get slimmer than them or be more successful.

This is an issue of him trying to control you. I agree with the psychiatrists. I have a feeling that you already know this yourself, and you are wanting validation from others.Is my husband trying to sabotage my mental health improvements?
I think your husband needs to go to one of your counseling sessions b/c based on what you've written, it sounds like he doesn't know much about depression in general. As far as sabotaging you, I don't know. Ask him to go w/ you to a counseling session. If he declines, then that's a big indicator that he's not interested in what's going on w/ you and may in fact not want you to improve.

Honestly, go with what your feelings tell you. You're married to this man, ask yourself what kind of person he is, and if he is the type that would sabotage your recovery.

Good luck and don't let anyone or anything come in between you and the road to recovery. Your husband should support you wanting to get better. If he doesn't, then you have to ask yourself why.
all you have to do is read your question hun

when ya'll have plans he gets in your face until you break then he goes out with the guys

I agree with your Docs hubby needs to shape up
I agree totally! That is horrible what he does! I think he's the one that needs help! I hate people like that!

I hope you get things streightend out. You dont diserve that!
i totally agree with the doctores and from the sounds of it so do you... your husband is afraid of what will happen when you discover that you are a real person and have feelings.. and just maybe a few ambitions,, get better,.. and then get a better husband..
if the way you say it is how it really is and not just your perception of how it is i'd have to agree with the psychiatrists. maybe a group counselling session(you, husband, and therapist) is in order to help figure why your husband does this as its not a compassionate way to treat a spouse regardless of health problems. cancer is bad enough, you don't need extra help in feeling bad. as selfish as it sounds(and this will) spouses of cancer patients can ';feel'; like they are victims because things aren't as wonderful as they were before the cancer. maybe the sex-life has deminished, the home cooked meals are now fast food, etc. but don't mistake what i'm're the one who needs him to help support you. ask your therapist about this and try to find ways for him to see your perspective. if he had cancer and you acted as he is acting he'd probably feel how you do. best of luck with your treatment and also with getting him back on your side.
Sounds as if he prefers your depression -- it's a familiar place for him -- HE DOESN'T LIKE CHANGE......and he's selfish!
Here' an idea - I suggest you try this.

Next time this happens (when he says he ';caught'; you being happy ... say ';Yes, I am - let's toast my happiness with a glass of water (or whatever you can drink at this point) and do something fun together!';

If he supports you in this - but suggesting something you can do together to hold on to your happy moment, then I think he just an emotional ditz (typical male). If he then trys to unhook you from being happy, I'm with the Psychs - he likes his 'freedom' too much to want to support you in getting well......

1 comment:

  1. I’m so glad I found dr.umoru, My husband left me a month ago after 14 years of being together. I’ve spent the last month agonizing, crying, feeling guilty and feeling the lowest ever. i did so much to get him back but nothing worked out not until i saw a comment online when someone was testifying of how Dr umoru helped her to restored back her husband and that was how i contacted him through his email and after writing my issue out he assured me that he will help me to get back with my husband in 24hours after casting the love spell, and after he did the spell my huband came back home and pleaded that he is very sorry for the pain he caused me and the kids. i am back with my husband and we are both happy and living together again. i know there are many people out there that want’s to get their love back contact Dr umoru cause he is the perfect answer to your problem.Here’s his contact: reach his whattsap..+12266055274..God bless you sir for bringing back my husband...
