Thursday, December 31, 2009

My friend is Gay! How can she tell her husband she wants women?

How can my friend tell her husband that she is no longer in love with him and is now attracted to women and wants to start a relationship with another woman? Any Suggestions?My friend is Gay! How can she tell her husband she wants women?
Have her watch that episode of Two And a Half Men with him where Alan's wife tells him that she does not want to get back together with him because she likes women. And have her just say that's me!!My friend is Gay! How can she tell her husband she wants women?
NOT the way my wife did it.

How about this:

I've discovered that I'm gay and I'm no longer attracted to men. It's nothing personal and it's not your fault. It's not down to anything you did or didn't do.

I don't love you anymore. I fell out of love with you BECAUSE I am gay. I didn't become gay because I fell out of love.

I wasn't gay when I met you - or didn't know that I was, or when we got married. I didn't decieve you. This is something that has overtaken me with time. There is nothing I can do to change this. It happens.

I'm very sorry.

I still care for you as a person, but the fact is that if I stay with you I will make you unhappy. You are a good husband and a great man. But I'm a lesbian. I will probably cheat on you and I wouldnt want to hurt you in this way. The fact is that you deserve to be happy with a straight woman.

I accept full responsibility for this.

I don't expect you to be my friend, but perhaps in the future we will be. I'm starting down a road that is very strange to me, and I'm going to get very selfish, and probably act like a teenager. Which means that I'm going to be thoughtless too. I don't want to put you through that, and its not fair to string you along so I want a divorce, and we should split up.

I'm sorry.

I have met another woman. I don't want you to meet her, to know her name or to speak with her. I don't want you to be hurt that way. I'm telling you this now because I don't want to hurt you.

I will understand if you are angry, or sad, or hateful. Please understand that this really isn't you. It IS me.

You are not alone in this. It happens to quite a few people. Theres a support group called the Straight Spouse Network.

If there is anything I can do to help you understand how I am feeling, I will do it. If theres anything I can do to help you get over this, I will do it. If you want to go to counseling, not to save our marriage, but to get you through it, I will go.

I realise that I'm being selfish, but I can't be otherwise. In the long run I hope that you will be happy with someone else.

I'm sorry. You did nothing wrong. I'm sorry.
She needs to be straight forward and honest with him. The best thing she can do is just tell him how she feels..truthfully,honestly and considerately. His feelings will be hurt and she should expect that. By all means she should not get into an argument or attempt to defend herself if this it what she truly wants
';Hey Hubby, guess what? Funny story. I'm no longer attracted to you, and want to leave our marriage that we had for years to ';try'; something new with a woman! Wish me luck!';

Answer Mine Puhlease?:鈥?/a>
She should break it to him after she allows a threesome to happen between them.

I'm not joking, that would be how I would like to find out.
I think your friend should deal with this and not you. Even though your trying to help, I think it's best if she did this on her own because It wouldn't be so hard for her. But tell her that I said she should tell him straight up :]
Weird. How bout she gives up being a you know what .I mean for God's sake if its ok to be you know what why cant let two females or two guys reproduce? It's wrong!

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