Monday, December 28, 2009

Jobs my husband can do after hes out of the army?

My husband will be getting out of the army infantry in a year. Does anyone have any ideas of jobs that he could do ? He likes the things he does in the Infantry but doesn't like how the army plays there games. Im just looking for any suggestions.Jobs my husband can do after hes out of the army?
I didn't realize the Army played games?!

Anyhow your husband should go to ACAP and attend the 3 day work shop. They will give him a lot of usually info to transition to the civilian side.

I would also suggest you start planning out now where you are going to live etc. Make sure if he can't find employment that you can pay the bills etc.Jobs my husband can do after hes out of the army?
I can understand why your husband might want to leave the Army especially being an infantryman. However you need to think about your future, the both of you. If you have kids, or want kids. Jobs right now aren't certain, The Army is. It might suck, but that goes with any job. If he wants to do something else look into reclassing. Maybe he can become a helicopter pilot. A lot of infantryman become pilots when they get bored with the job. Right now you have money, think about what you have and how you're going to pay for it, without that paycheck that you are used to.

The down sound of most combat arms jobs in the Army or Marines is that besides a low paying ';Mall Cop'; or if you're very lucky a real cop, re-training is a must. Even something like a contract ';body guard'; type person is reserved for the ex special forces type.

So he would have to go to school for a job that is in demand... He could go to truck driving school and get his Commercial Drivers License and drive a truck
Get a solid plan together like yesterday. He should use his education benefits to go to college. His chances of finding a decent paying job with no education and only an Infantry background are slim. And BTW every civilian job has their own version of ';games'; that they play. Perhaps he should look at another MOS. At any rate I highly encourage him to enlist in the Guard or Reserves to maintain some of the benefits you now enjoy like TRICARE.
To be truthful, there are no good jobs a former Infantrymen can do,

Other than apply to be a police officer.

You need training in a specific job skill to land a good job.

So he better start taking class's online in his free time, NOW.
Depends what he wants to do a big thing he should look into is staying federal ATF, FBI , DEA, US Marshalls , Border Patrol or even the post office they all make really good money.
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