Monday, December 28, 2009

How in the world can I get over my husband's affair?

It has been nearly 2 yrs. since I found out about the affair. And it is not getting an easier, especially when I see the OW almost daily. I have to work in the same town that she does.How in the world can I get over my husband's affair?
if you cheat on him you would feel a hell of a lot better.GLHow in the world can I get over my husband's affair?
Through a lot of prayer and counseling. It's not an easy thing to do and I can honestly say that I wouldn't know what to do in that situation. I'm quick to say ';I'd leave him!'; but then once you're actually in it, it's not that easy. I guess you keep telling yourself that you will not give the OW the satisfaction of breaking up your marriage and that you will not allow her to break all of the time, love and energy you have invested in your marriage.
getting over with the situation is a long process. it will take years to heal the wound and though you have forgiven your husband's offense, you will never forget it. when my husband confesses to me that our neighbor friend is his mistress, i forgive him and try to understand the reason behind his act but i also ask him if we can move to another place where we can live a new life. He opted to stay because he is a man and it will not ruin his reputation. He can't understand that it is us his family who are affected because the issue bacame a ';talk of the town';. I can't stay longer with the situation wherein you are reminded of the husband illicit affair everytime you saw the woman. Since he didn't compromise, i leave him coz it means he doesn't care about my feelings. So why don't you transfer and work in another atmosphere. this will help you move on. good luck
That's very hard. My mom went through the same thing. He cheated on her, confessed about it but then a few years HE later moved out. My mom would've never left him because it wasn't the right thing to do. Currently everyone in our family and our close friends are praying he'll move back home. Anyway....the only way to ';get over'; something like that is to ask God for help. There's no way you can do it on your own. If he's still with you, you need to tell him that you're still having trouble and probably still having mental images popping up in your head now and then. It's normal, he CHEATED on you. But in order to move on you have to let it go. Forgive her and be glad it's in the past and hasn't happened again.
its been 5 years since i found out that my husband cheated its not easy but if you want it to work and this alone is work you have too keep trying the ow its her loss if your husband wanted her he wouldnt be with you.
Have you forgiven him and you just can't get over it? Maybe you need a break from the relationship to clear things in your mind and maybe then you'll see if you still want to be with him.

Just saying.

Get counseling.

Your husband has to re-earn your trust, you cannot do it on your own.
Have your own affair........... I'm available.
im sorry but if you still cant get over it and trust him then maybe you should be filing for divorce.
if you havent gotten over it yet you probably never will.
You may never get over it, and that sucks. God I hope you're not still with the bastard.
U are in the right to get a divorce and move on wirth ur life.

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