Thursday, December 31, 2009

Will I go to hell for having an occasional glass of wine on a date with my husband?

I love my church and consider myself a Christian. I believe in the Lord with everything in me, and try to always be the best I can be, but I fail to believe that if i have an occasional glass of wine or one wine cooler while out to dinner I'm going to hell? Im really confused about this? Its not like I want to get drunk?Will I go to hell for having an occasional glass of wine on a date with my husband?
Absolutely not.

I totally believe that it is very healthful to drink a glass of wine a day. Lowers your LDL (bad cholesterol) levels and raises HDL(good cholesterol) levels, and has many other health benefits. Especially red wine.Will I go to hell for having an occasional glass of wine on a date with my husband?
Jesus performed his first miracle at a wedding by turning water into fine wine. Paul told Timothy to drink a little wine for his infirmities. Wise king Solomon said: I recommend having fun, because there is nothing better for people in this world than to eat, drink, and enjoy life. That way they will experience some happiness along with all the hard work God gives them under the sun. If you are with your husband and eating a meal out I see nothing wrong with that at all as long as it is in moderation.
There are many sects and only a few ban alcohol. Unless you think that your particular sect has the right of it and everyone else is wrong, enjoy your wine. You might also ask yourself whether you are attending the best church for you.

When Noah settled down after the Flood, he didn't plant a vineyard because he liked raisins.
if not then any of the other sins you have ever committed surely will send you there. My bible says that jesus died to pay for my sins past present and future. I'd say you should worry less about if wine is damning and more about how seriously you take the bible. The bible says god sent his only son to be the ultimate pure sacrifice. Accepting and believing that he died for you is the only way to be absolved of your sins(to put things in perspective i suggest reading some of the old testament and see how many of the laws you have broken and how many you break daily, then you will appreciate what jesus did for you more knowing that there is no way for you to have lived without sinning)
Jesus turned water to wine, so he must have approved of wine. Have you read the Bible ? It is in there.

I drink wine occasionally and I am a Christian.

You would have to do a heck of a lot more than that (something really sinful - think breaking one or more of the 10 commandments or something) to go to that hot place.

I know someone who committed murder and served time in prison for her crime. She was released. She now attends Church all the time and thinks she is going to heaven. I don't believe so, but she is convinced she is forgiven. I think that because she broke one of the 10 commandments, she won't. However, that is my personal opinion.

Try to go to therapy to figure out why you think so poorly of yourself. Were you raised by parents who thought drinking was sinful ? Or, were they alcoholics ?

We form our opinions about things based on what we are / are not exposed to.

So, it sounds like you either were / were not exposed to something having a negative connotation towards alcohol.

Good Luck.
john 3:16 for god so loved the world he gave his only begotten son and whoever believes in him shall NOT perish but have ever lasting life therefore no god drank whine

all you have to do is believe in god the bible says were not perfect and we all sin AND that god sees all sins the same whether there giant or small so nope drink its not a sin
No you wont. If you believe in God will all your heart you will go to heaven. In the Bible God says do not get drunk off of wine, so a few glasses every now in then shouldnt be bad.
Yes, as will everyone who drank including Jesus. /sarcasm

Really? What makes alcohol a sin? Drunkenness and the actions that occur drunk might be. But Jesus drank wine so I am sure you are fine.
The bible doesn't forbid you from drinking even if certain sects of Christianity frown on it.
I would encourage you to read the Bible. Spend some time considering what the author was trying to say (i.e. what was the author trying to communicate when they are talking about alcohol).
I hope not because myself and millions of people are to hell for drinking some wine
No way. Enjoy your drink and forget about hell.
If you do, you'll have a lot of company.
I hope that's not a serious question, didn't Jesus turn water into wine? I'm pretty sure he's cool with it.
are u serious wow now i know never to ask u to buy me liquor.
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