Thursday, December 31, 2009

Im in the process of a divorce. Can my husband take any of my inheritance or the things that were perchaced?

I accumulated money before and after my husband and I were married from my parent's inheritance. We are in the process of a divorce. Can he take any of the money or any of the things that were bought with that money?Im in the process of a divorce. Can my husband take any of my inheritance or the things that were perchaced?


INHERITANCE IS YOURS ANYTHING ACCUMULATED DURING MARRIAGE IS 50-50 SPLIT .............ATTORNEY WILL ADVISE YOU BETTER............GET ONE QUICKIm in the process of a divorce. Can my husband take any of my inheritance or the things that were perchaced?
Not take them but technically he is entitled to half, as are you, of the marital assets. He even could get some of the money/assets you had before marriage unless you have both signed a pre-nuptual agreement. If he has a lawyer, he will most likely get half, however if he is not educated about the divorce law he may over look it.

There is nothing you can to do avoid it, its marital property and most states, if not all, require that the assets are split equally between the two spouses.
depends. if things purchased went to ';marital items';, then yes, he's entitled to get 1/2. if things you purchased were not marital items, say clothes for yourself, then no unless at any time his name was on the account the money is in. also, if he contributed any marital earnings into the account the money sits, he's entitled to at least 1/2 of that back.
inheritance is all yours UNLESS you have put the money in a joint account that his name is on .... if you did that, you will have to split it....and sorry to say the stuff that the two of you bought with it will get split up

Always always keep inheritance money in a separate account in YOUR name ONLY.
No he cannot, but you will need a lawyer because your case is not straight forward and he ill have to do calculations. Eg $10,000 twenty years ago were worth much more than $10,000 now.

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