Thursday, December 31, 2009

Will my husband still be able to live with his dad in Military housing while I'm away at boot camp?

I'm leaving for boot camp and tech school in June and I'll be away for 10 months. I want to get married before I leave. If we're married is he allowed to stay in military housing with his dad until I get back from my 10 months? If not will, the Air Force give me BAH for my spouse while I'm at boot camp and tech school or does it start after I graduate?Will my husband still be able to live with his dad in Military housing while I'm away at boot camp?
.... and yes, you are entitled to BAH.Will my husband still be able to live with his dad in Military housing while I'm away at boot camp?
If his dad is in military housing.. no. He is your dependant and no longer his fathers. Thus he is not authorized to live with his father.
Yes, he will still be able to live with his dad.

No one watchs that closely, plus how would anyone on his dads post, know he is married and you are in basic.

Yes, if you are married, before you leave for basic and you bring the paper work ( marriage certificate , etc )

Then you will get BAH while you are in basic and Teach School.

It will be based on in your case, the rates paid near his dad's base.

But if you are getting BAH and he lives with his dad on a military base, that is fraud.

So in that case, he would have to live off base.
If your husband was a dependent of your fil before, once he married you he became your dependent, so he is no longer allowed to stay in the military housing your fil has. He will have to find accomodations of his own. The only way he could still live with your fil is if it isn't military housing.

While you are in basic the BAH rate will be based on where your spouse is living, not where you are at the time. Now if your schooling is longer than 26 weeks in length in one location, there is the chance that you can get accompanied orders to the school in which you would qualify for military housing at that base %26amp; the military will hire movers to move your belongings and his there. Normally the first 10 or so weeks you would have to remain in barracks but after that you can live with your spouse. If your spouse cannot be at the base your schooling is at, then the BAH will continue to be at the rate of where he is residing. Only on accompanied orders will the rate of the BAH be where you are stationed.
wait, is dad authorized to live in MFH? if so, then once you get married your DH will no longer be eligible to live with his father as he will no longer be his father's dependent.

you would be entitled to BAH from day one however if you were married.
they are right, once your married hes no longer his dads dependent so not entitled to live in base housing,and you would be entitled to BAH but my question is if your going to be gone 10 months that means your tech school is longer than 26 weeks.......have you checked into taking him to tech school with you? i know sometimes if your tech school is that long they allow it, you may want to check on that.

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