Thursday, December 31, 2009

Could my husband be the reason we arent getting pregnant?

My husband and I have been trying to conceive for about 5 months now, no luck yet! My cycles are regular, I have the every 38 days. My husband took stariods everyday for a year in middle school! Could that have an impact on us trying to conceive?Could my husband be the reason we arent getting pregnant?
Firstly, good luck..

One cup of coffee sometimes, an hour before can help the trick.. as it's know to pep-up the paddling of the little swimmers that are sent to do the Job... your Question is ';is it him?'; -- and you're answer is: it takes 2 'to tango', you know?

This is why they make doctors, honey... sometimes, its about healthy eating %26amp; gravity (lol) when you're trying... over %26amp; over is nothing but fun, if you're optimistic... but, if you go to discover if there's something medically at issue, don't be offended if it's YOU and ensure that you won't dump all over him, if its him... and P.S. -- I'm only half-kidding about what I'm about to say next, but make sure he's not wasting his stuff on the side you know? that he knows what's at stake and he can wait 4-5 days to lock %26amp; load and then deliver when the time's right!!!Could my husband be the reason we arent getting pregnant?
I would give it a year before you start thinking there is something wrong with one of you. For some people, it just takes longer than others. But, yes if there is a fertility problem, it could be either of you. I don't know that the steriods could create a problem... you will have to ask your doctor.
Of course, you need to ask a doctor to be sure :)

BUT- yes steroids can very much so affect the male reproductive system. So that could be a likely thing! Good luck to you dear!

*baby dust*
It is possible. Men can be non fertile/have low sperm counts and the like. Good luck by the way.
Well lets hope your cycle is 28 days! 38 days wouldn't be right! But yes steriods can make a man sterile go to the doc and have him get a sperm count.
yes it could get him checked out at a clinic, maybe you have to decide between ur man and ur baby
If you are concerened you can both be tested at a fertility clinic and they will tell you who's not doing their job!
It could be your husband or it could just be that 5 months is not long enough! My husband and I tried for 4 years! Keep trying and if you still aren't pregnant after 1 year see a fertility specialist!
it takes 4 months to replenish sperm... so that shouldnt have an impact... but it MIGHT. but to boost his sperm count... have him eat lots of fruit for 4 months and his sperm count will boost BIG TIME!


The steroids always could have an impact, but don't worry until after a year of trying. That's what my dr told me after I had tried for 6 months and thought I must be sterile or something. I got pregnant during month 8.
there's only one way to find out go to the dr
yes that could be why his sperm count could be way way down, maybe he should take some kind of meds to get it back up. anything and everything is bad for sperm and egg count.

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