Monday, December 28, 2009

Can my husband (we are separated) turn my car in for repossesion when we are both on the loan and I am paying?

My soon to be ex husband and I are separated but have not completed the divorce filing yet. I have the car which is in both of our names on the loan and registration. I am making the payments. He is threatening to call the loan company and turn the car in for repossesion even though I am making the payments on it. Can he do this? (note: He is the primary loan holder and I am secondary) He doesn't care that it will effect his credit if he turn it in.Can my husband (we are separated) turn my car in for repossesion when we are both on the loan and I am paying?
Call the loan company and tell them the situation. See if they can change the primary loan holder to your name.Can my husband (we are separated) turn my car in for repossesion when we are both on the loan and I am paying?
Until orders are filed, it is his car as much as it is yours. He can get in it and drive if he wants, nothing you can do. He can turn it in to the loan company if he wants, again nothing you can do.

Get a lawyer and file something now. he can get an order from the court that prohibits these kinds of things. Then he can not without violating the order.
The loan company won't repossess a car if the payments are made on time.

To the other person stating that he can get in it and drive it if he wants -

No he can't, ownership and loan paperwork are two separate things. If the car is registered to the wife it doesn't matter whose name is on the loan it's the wife's car.
I would think that as long as the payments are being made, the loan company would tell him to forget his evil plan.

People say things at times like these that they don't really mean.

If I were you, I'd call the loan company and tell them what's going on.

Good luck to you!
if he has the vehicle he can take it in and also since he is primary he does have the right to cancel it. as secondary you might be asked but your answer is taken at minimum. by the time you resign a new contract if you qualify then the vehicle might already taken away.
The car was part of the divorce. You need the loan written in your name with him removed as the primary. Without his income, are you going to be able to get a loan? Stop making payments, and let them repo it. It will take them months and his credit gets jammed
To my knowledge, if the payments are being made, the company will take them. They don't care who it's from. Be careful to keep all receipts to prove you are the payer so he does not try to take it from you at a later date.
If the payments are being made then repossession is not possible!
send in a extra payment keep it 1 month ahead

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