Monday, December 28, 2009

If my husband has filed for full custody, is my child automatically taken away from me?

My abusive husband of two years has finally moved out and he says he has begun divorce proceedings. If he has filed for full custody, can my child be automatically taken from me?If my husband has filed for full custody, is my child automatically taken away from me?
You need an attorney, if you cannot afford one go to legal aid as soon as possible. I don't think they will come in and remove the child, this has to go through court. Good Luck xoxIf my husband has filed for full custody, is my child automatically taken away from me?
No way! The court can grant temporary custody to him if he proves there is a reason for your children to be taken away from you (which unless you're a terrible mother who has a drug problem or something, is highly unlikely). Custody battles happen in a court room. They can only take your children if for some reason the court grants full custody to him. It is up to you to prove that you are the one who deserves full custody. The courts almost always side with the mother.
He can filed for custody it doesn't mean he will get it when you go to court all of this is going to be covered why you getting divorce? he was being abusive if I were you I will have my self in counseling that will help you out if a professional actually testify that you have being abused he will NEVER get those kids. Besides mother always obtain custody unless he can proof your unfit he will get visitations and child support payments. I would not worry too much but for real go and get some kind of counseling for abused women and have that in your record it will make a whole lot of difference and that judge will take that in consideration. Good luck.
He has about the same chance as me growing thick curly blonde hair tonight.

The courts, nationwide, have a long history of understanding that children need their mothers more than their fathers in their early childhood. That might change as they approach the teen years, but the best he will get is joint custody, and limited visitation rights.
no they won't and if you have proof of abuse he may only get supervised visitation. I'm glad you're no longer with him now you have make sure your kids a

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