Monday, December 28, 2009

Could my husband join the air force with a missing spleen?

It was removed after a bad motorcycle accident. I heard the spleen has no use after the age of 17.Could my husband join the air force with a missing spleen?
This is what it said about the Spleen. It looks like he can since it was taken out for trauma.

(2) Splenectomy (P41.5), except when accomplished for trauma, or conditions unrelated to the spleen, or for hereditary spherocytosis (282.0).


Tell him to call the recruiter and find out for sure.Could my husband join the air force with a missing spleen?
If it was removed because of trauma it is not disqualifying. If it was removed because of some disease process it is.

The source below is the medical standard.
His spleen needs to be intact, You just don't know, He might have to donate his spleen to a buddy in combat!
Yes. The Air Force has no use for his spleen anyway.
Hell....the army is takin convicted felons...a missing spleen ain't no big deal. I had my spleen for lunch yesterday.
No, not a chance.

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