Monday, December 28, 2009

I would like to do something special for my husband after I have our daughter. Any ideas?

I am due to have my husbands first child in 9 days. I would really like to do something sweet and special for him after I have her to let him know just how much him and all of this means to me. Does anyone have any good ideas? I'm so busy trying to get ready for this that I can't even think straight so any help would be greatly appreciated!I would like to do something special for my husband after I have our daughter. Any ideas?
I got a special frame and had it engraved ';Daddy's Little Girl';, wrapped it and brought it to the hospital in my overnight bag. Gave it to him after she was born. She's now 20 and it still has her baby picture in it.

I would like to do something special for my husband after I have our daughter. Any ideas?
hmmmmm well, if you have the money, i would take the three of you on a vaccation! and while you two are alone on the vaccation (someone watching the kid) you would well, no need to say what. I would also let him give the child her middle name even if you don't like it. let him name her whatever he wants. (middle name only, though of course you want your say in the first name) but if you don't have the money, after the first week or so I would get someone very trusted to look after the baby while you two have a special day of your own: a romantic picnic in the park, a dinner out, just a special day at home or whatever you two loved to do together without the baby, do it again for that day just to let him know that even with the baby you still love him and care for him just the same and maybe if you want to ';do it'; let him do what he wants to idk be creative and GOOD LUCK! with everything!
Honey, once that baby is born you are going to be so tired and overwealmed that your husband is going to need to be carrying you through a lot of it. You need to concentrate on the baby for awhile. After 3-4 weeks, tell your husband that you want to do something special for him and ask specifically what he wants. Then, do it for him. Don't do it the way you would want it, do what he wants to the letter.
As a mother myself, I personally feel it should be the other way around. You will be the one going through the physical labor and delivery. You arent going to feel like doing anything!! You are going to need a ton of help and patience from your husband to help with your new baby. Forget about making him feel special...he will feel that way seeing his newborn child.
Wait a minute- you carry this child in your stomach for 10 months (no, its not 9 like on tv! its 40 weeks), go through nausea and feeling like a whale, then going through the most painful thing a person can go through and YOU want to do something special for HIM!! I think what your doing is special! Do something special for him when he carries your next baby!
Having his daughter isn't sweet and special enough?

Maybe you can let him have a disproportionate vote in naming her.

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