Monday, December 28, 2009

Why did the US embassy in Juarez tell my husband to bring back more evidence in 30 days?

I am a US citizen and we have an immigrant lawyer that did all our paper work and in Juarez, the consular asked my husband to bring back more evidence in 30 days.Does any one know what could of gone wrong (from experience)?How long could my husband be left in Mexico?If they leave him for months can they deny him his visa even though we married in the US? PLease HELP!!Why did the US embassy in Juarez tell my husband to bring back more evidence in 30 days?
I believe that you are referring to the waiver interview, no? The interview that one must go to and prove that you will suffer extreme and unusual hardship if your husband is not allowed to enter the US again. You either didn't show enough evidence of that and should show more (letters from you, from family, from psychologists) or your evidence wasn't so compelling that he was able to qualify for a Visa immediately and a decision has to be made on it. He has 30 days to submit more evidence, but this will most likely take 9-12 months to be decided. Be strong.Why did the US embassy in Juarez tell my husband to bring back more evidence in 30 days?
They don't believe your story. You are going to have to prove you are really married and not just married to sneak another illegal into America.
What evidence did they ask for?

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