Monday, December 28, 2009

Is it a good or bad idea for a husband to get between sisters when they are fighting over kid stuff?

or should we just smile nod and pretend we are listening and agree with respective spouse.Is it a good or bad idea for a husband to get between sisters when they are fighting over kid stuff?
it's never a good idea to get between bickering sisters unless they're adults, not related to you, and wearing something skimpy.Is it a good or bad idea for a husband to get between sisters when they are fighting over kid stuff?
If asked his opinion or if he is a part of the discussion a husband should share his opinion respectfully and the sisters should listen respectfully, even if he doesn't agree with his spouse. That's something they can talk about later though without her sister. Parenting is a tough issue and everyone should listen to each other and learn what they can to better raise their children.
It'd be best to walk away before they ask you for an opinion. Now if it's a discussion about sex toys, and how you may be replaced, then I would step in.
Before they ask ';What do YOU think?';, you should say to the other husband ';I have to powder my nose, how about you?';.
It depends who your talking about..If its your wife and her sister than of course you better agree with your but if its anyone else (wife not involved) than stay away..drama is annoying!! lol
I'm not really sure what you mean. Are you a sister involved here? Is he your husband or your sisters?

Maybe he should mind his own business. Sisters can work it out.
Is there pudding involved? If not, I'd leave well enough alone. There's no way it will turn out good for you. Heck, I'm not even married and I know that.
I would agree with the spouse. You can't go wrong if you agree with her.
Haven't you been married long enough to know that option B should be applied whenever possible?
Smile and nod.

Sisters will always fight. My aunts are in their 50's and still fight like when they were teenagers (according to my dad).
Agree with your spouse unless you want your wife to not speak to you for a few days.
I find it's best to stay as far away from drama as possible at all times.
It's between sisters, stay out of it.
That's what the garage is for, to hide
Run !
just walk away...
why are you married to a kid, that's sick

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