Thursday, December 31, 2009

Can my husband claim me as a dependent?

My husband is filing his taxes as married filing jointly but I have only had MAYBE $500 in income. Can he claim me as a dependent along with our 3 kids?Can my husband claim me as a dependent?
OK, here's how this works. The benefit of claiming someone as a dependent is that you get to take an additional personal exemption for them and a lot of the credits and deductions that the person would have been able to claim now go to the person who claimed them. If no one claims you then you get to keep all of them.

Now, when you are married filing joint you're doing exactly what it sounds like. You're two people who are filing their individual returns jointly. So he is not filing his taxes, he is filing taxes for both of you. All of the benefits he would receive for claiming you as a dependent he's going to get anyway...and then some. It's best for everyone involved if you were to file jointly. Make sense?

And about married filing separately, you never want to do that. You lose your eligibility to claim so many things it's ridiculous. It is almost as if they IRS decided they wanted to penalize people for filing separately.Can my husband claim me as a dependent?
Ok, this question needs some answering :|

No no no no no your husband can not claim you as a dependent. Anyone that answered yes is just plain old wrong (or works for H%26amp;R Block).

If your married there are only two ways to file, married filing jointly, and married filing separately. If you file jointly then your standard deduction is double what it would be if you filed separately so there is benefit from you. You also get to to claim a personal exemption for him, you and one for each dependent child in the household. For the 2008 tax year the personal exemption is $3,500.

If you file separately then you both have to file your own return and you would each get a standard deduction and personal exemptions. However, with you only earning $500 there more than likely would be no benefit for you to file separately. It is impossible to tell though with out knowing all the details, the best thing to do is try doing it both ways and see which one is better.

If you get really lost seek the advice of a tax professional.
A spouse cannot ever be a dependent. If you file a joint return with him, it is as if you were each other's dependents because you together get both standard deductions and both exemptions, but technically you are not his dependent. Of course the two of you can claim the three kids on your joint return.
NOPE, you're not a dependent, regardless of income. Ignore the incorrect answers above. You and he file a joint return, report all income and both sign the return. You two together claim your 3 kids, and take your own exemptions.
Unfortunately No, when you are married, you cannot be claimed as the dependent of your spouse.
No, a spouse can never be a dependent for tax purposes.It doesn't matter how you guys file.
Yep. It's all explained on the form.

It's time you learned the basics of tax returns!
yes I think he can but must include your income.
yah, i guess.

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