Thursday, December 31, 2009

Should I have sex with my husband on our one year anniversary?

My husband and I are taking a trip for the weekend of our one year anniversary together. I'm 3 months pregnant and really only looking to rest and relax,but I know that sex is going to be on his mind.Should I have sex with my husband on our one year anniversary?
I can't believe your really asking this question!! If you don't want to have sex with your husband then don't. Just be another stat and whine about him cheating on you because your so abused? Maybe you should just have an open relationship where he can get him some and you can just sit back and relax. VERY STRANGE QUESTIONShould I have sex with my husband on our one year anniversary?
Sex him and get it over with (just kidding), then get some rest and relax . Sure sex is going to be on his mind ( it's on most mens minds most of the day and night).That how you got pregnant and since it is the anniversary , remember just what did you do on your wedding night?
YES!! you should be having sex with him at least twice everyday!!

you need to get down! do the nasty! get busy! do it like it's going outta style! bang! hump! screw! make love! do the hustle! invite him over to boogie in your disco! sit on the flagpole! work out your love muscles! practice the pogo-stick! play naked twister! JUST DO IT!!!!!!
you're pregnant honey, he'll understand that you want to relax...i mean, if you feel up to it then okay but he loves you, he'll understand if you don't wanna do it. you have the rest of you lives to make love.

answer mine please? [everyone!];鈥?/a>
Sure - it will not hurt the baby at that point. You can verify with your doctor as to how far pregnant is safe. I think its up to 6 months, but double check before you go.

There are other ways to have sex other then intercourse.
Leave him now. Save yourself the heartache of breaking up later. If you have to ask such a ridiculous question, then you definitely will hold out after the baby gets here. Then you'll get mad when he cheats. Just leave him. For his sake and for your sake and for the kid's sake.
get it while you can honey,once you put on the extra pounds,and have kids you won,t want it so much and he,ll see you in a different way,unless he,s one in a million,believe me.
Unless you are having problems with your pregnancy,

or are high risk for some reason, it should be okay.

But asking your OB/GYN is the best thing to do.

Have fun and relax!

Happy Anniversary!
Well, I'm not sure why you wouldn't want to have sex with your husband of only 1 year........seems odd.........but do what you want. He can't force you to have sex.
You can't rest, relax, AND have sex? I would have as much sex as you can because once the baby comes, things will change a little!
Why would you not want to have sex with your husband?? unless there are complications with your pregnancy there is no reason that you should not have sex!

Its your anniversary, have fun!
You're only 3 months along? You are feeling good now compared to how you will be feeling in another couple months. Have sex with your husband. For me, sex was so much better when I was pregnant.
Sex doesn't end at pregnancy...get all you can now because it's harder to schedule it around a tired parent and kid later down the road...
yes. unless your fetus is endangered if you do. but you are his wife and you want to keep him happy and at home with you.
just because your pregnate doesnt mean you cant have sex and it aint no excuse. go have fun, and make your self and your hubby happy.
As long as you aren't having any problems with your pregnancy, go ahead.
The answer is obvious. Of course you want to be intimate and loving with your spouse. Anniversary or not.

How long can it take to have a little sex and then relax,after all it is your anniversary be fair..and enjoy each other.
seriously? get over it-if you really want to relax then get it on!!

have a great vacation!
WEll, yah! One year is a milestone - celebrate!
Have lots of sweaty sex.
Of coarse. Why wouldnt you want to please your husband????
You only three months along. Why wouldn't you not have sex with him?? you not have a lot of sex as it is???

Sounds like a messed up marriage if you don't.
See how you feel on the night. I would say yes but only cos sex is fun so why not?
Duh. of course.
yes! try relaxing sex.. slow and tender and sensual...
Of course you should!
sorry that really is a silly question
You shouldn't do it if you don't really want to. But who knows maybe in the heat of the moment you will want to.
eww no not if ur pregnant jus do something elese not everything has to be so sexual

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