Monday, December 28, 2009

Can my husband and i start tryingto get preggo when he is on Depokote?

we have an almost 2 year old and thining of having anohtet child. i am on Paxil and bith control pills, which i am weening off ...but my husband has to stay on Depokote..what does everyone thinK??? will this hurt our baby??Can my husband and i start tryingto get preggo when he is on Depokote?
Here's some commentary from someone more in the know than me. See link below.Can my husband and i start tryingto get preggo when he is on Depokote?
It should be totally fine for him to be on Depakote, although there really has been no studies looking at the effect of depakote on sperm formation.

If YOU were on depakote, that would be a totally different deal (depakote has been linked to malformations when the mother is taking it). I would double check your and your husband's medications with your doctor before getting preggo in order to see if there is anything additional you should do/take to reduce risks, if there are any.

Good luck!!!
what is Depokote?

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