Thursday, December 31, 2009

How can I resist the chocolate chip cookies my husband always has in the house?

How many do you eat? Sometimes, it's best to have just a little of something you crave so you don't break down and have a gorge fest. If you're exercising and you're sticking to a sensible diet, I'd go ahead and eat one or half of one. Look online and get the calorie count.How can I resist the chocolate chip cookies my husband always has in the house?
Man, I think this is the toughest question I've seen on here, seriously. If something is in my house I am going to eat it. You will have to tell him to stop bringing them into the house, it's that simple :-) Good luck with that.How can I resist the chocolate chip cookies my husband always has in the house?
when he begins to cheat on you and leaves you because you get fat your problem will be moot. so the answer is do nothing it will all work itself out in the end.
JUST HANG IN THERE. I know how good chocolate cookies are, so I feel your pain. When wanting a cookie, eat a piece of fruit instead, you'll feel better and its better for ya. Stay strong and resist the cookie.
give in and eat more
Have him hide them from you.
Now thats a question for All of us! I make sure Im drinking lots of water and taking my ACAI Berry juice. Fills me up and keeps me focused away from my enemy chocolate chip cookie!
Every time you feel like you want one...go brush your teeth. Sweets taste terrible after you brush your teeth.
Tell yourself he sneezed all over them, a nice, big WET sneeze.

Or just picture Glenda, the woman who baked them, she was really, really sweating when she was baking them, dripping all over the place.
Don't keep any milk around!
try to eat something else so you wont have a craving for them as much
Think of the cookies as a vegitable you like.
ask him to

a. hide them

b. eat them when away from the house
you get your own,the no sugar ones or the fat free ones
throw them in the garbage. It will only take a couple times until he gets the hint to keep them out or at least hide them from you.

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