Thursday, December 31, 2009

Does the army provide for wife and children while husband is at basic training?

like when he first joins and has to go away for the three months or whatever it is for basic training....are we just left on our own, or do they support us?

at that point i'll have a 2 month old i wont be able to work. gotta know if i should save up.Does the army provide for wife and children while husband is at basic training?
If he has all the proper documentation you will be entered into DEERS which then means you qualify for Tricare Standard Medical, United Concordia Dental Insurance, and he will qualify for receiving BAH (Housing allowance) based on your zip code and Family Separation ($250 per month when gone longer for 30 days due to schooling, training, deployment, etc..). You will not qualify for military housing until he has accompanied orders which usually isn't until after school.

You should go through all your bills before he goes, cut down on what you can. Contact the agencies and find out if the percentage of interest can be dropped to 6%. Also make sure they understand that it can take up to 6 weeks before the pay is deposited into your account. You also need to make sure he has a blank check to set up automatic deposits, birth certificates of children, SSN's of everyone and a copy of the marriage certificate. the SSN's need to be original or notarized copies.

Once you are entered into DEERS he will send you a package in which you can go and get a Military ID. When you get that ID you can change from Standard (where there is a co-pay and yearly deductible) to Tricare Prime (no cost). You can also use the base facilities that are by you if there is any. This includes commissary (grocery store), Exchange/PX (Department store), gyms, pools, clinics, etc...Does the army provide for wife and children while husband is at basic training?
He will recieve BAH and BAS which is basically a bonus to his base pay. It will be dependent on where you are at now it goes off your zip code/area code i forget which one. Once he gets out of training and moves on to his first duty station the Army will pay for his household goods to be picked up and moved to his new location. There you can get housing on post *if available* but you lose BAH or you can rent a house and keep BAH. BAH at Ft Sill is around 750 for E4-below i think mine is at 812 because i'm an E5. If you have any other questions feel free to email me.


BAS is extra pay for food by the way. Its around 248 a month last i checked. Also his checks will be direct deposited into whatever account he gave to the recruiter. Also medical benefits and everything that goes with it begin the same day as his initial entry date so you'll be covered under medical in case you were wondering.

*edit Mrsjbv is right forgot about that little loophole either way it will be subsidized by the family sep. The BAH is for YOU and it is to provide YOU with money to be able to pay for monthly house hold bills. If the service member is direlict in his duties to provide for you the Army will step in and make sure it is squared away.
one more thing your husband will recieve during basic is FSH family seperation pay which is i think $250 or $225 either way its definitely one of those. your husband will have to support you while he is in basic financially. also you can get your ID to get into military installations. so you can start going to the military hospital. I think tricare should cover your hospital bills im not sure. talk with his recruiter hell have more info for you.
the Army doesn't support you,that is your husband's job. he will qualify for some additional allowances that will help offset the cost of housing, but nothing else unless you are referring to benefits like Tricare.

the Sarge is wrong: BAS is NOT provided while they are in Basic training and schooling, as Meals are provided. BAS is ONLY to feed the Servicemember, NOT the whole family. as for BAH: all CONUS housing is now privatized,meaning you get BAH and the entire amount is taken back out as an allotment.

Family Sep goes into effect on Day 31 and the clock starts over every new duty..basic, and Training,
They wont provide housing or anything like that. You always need to save up being in the military!! Sometimes the pay gets messed up and you can go a couple of months before they straighten it out. Been there done that. They accidentally discharged my husband and it took two months for them to get his pay right again. The reenlitment paperwork had gotten lost somehow.
He'll be getting his paycheck and some extra for housing but you still may want to save up. That first paycheck is often low because they deduct your initial issue of uniforms from it. And like when you start any job there can be some time before the first check gets deposited.
His BAH is higher because of having a dependent and being married. He also will get family seperation pay. Make sure you have a joint account or at least have him set up an allotment of his check to go to you every pay period.
He'll get paid, and can send the checks home, but you should definitely save up too- babies are expensive.

Congratulations, both for your new baby, and your husbands new opportunities!
He will also get BAH which is money for housing. This is what you will be able to use to pay rent or make your house payments. He shold also receive family separation pay.
welfare, wic, food stamp assistance from the state or relatives can help you!
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