Monday, December 28, 2009

How can I bear a child at 42 & my husband has a poor quality of sperm? In Phils. procedures are so expensive?

Desperately wants to have a baby but less financial resources. Wishes to have a healthy baby at my age. Any naturally fast and safe pregnancy alternative? How can my husband have a healthy and good quality number of sperms? Who can help us?How can I bear a child at 42 %26amp; my husband has a poor quality of sperm? In Phils. procedures are so expensive?
I think you just answered your own question. You don't have the financial resources to support a child.How can I bear a child at 42 %26amp; my husband has a poor quality of sperm? In Phils. procedures are so expensive?
Try adoption.鈥?/a>

Fertility Blend for men that has everythng in it men

should have....if you do a search for it on the internet you can read the

information about it...鈥?/a>

good luck----%26amp; still cosider adoption,many babes and older kids need homes
My concern is not your age. There is a lady in my reserve unit who is 44, looks every bit of mid thirties, and can outrun any young woman under 30 in our unit. But she makes over 80,000 usd a year which makes her physically and financially ready for a baby. It took her and her husband 2 years to conceive and hopefully all will go well for them. Fertility measures cost a lot of money and insurance VERY RARELY cover them. My husband had a vasectomy reversal last year. It cost us 6500usd and it did not work. We are trying artificial insemination for 3 cycles. In Germany, we found a doctor that is charging us 700euros per cycle. So I hope it works after 3 cycles. I am sorry to tell you that unfortunately, infertility costs one way or another. We pay financially and emotionally. But in the end with optimism and determination, it works out for all of us. Good luck to you. Be optimistic!
Sounds like you have all the information you need to tell yourself that maybe a baby isnt in your furture.Getting pregnant is the cheap part.Your age is a huge factor too and i am assuming he is your age or older.How about adoption or fostering?
Prayer is my answer. ONLY you and your husband know what is right for you. Your child would be blessed to have parents such as yourselves. Too many children are born today without having caring parents. You want and need this child more than ever. Prayer is the best he has answered before. Let him be your prayers answered.
There are several choices you can make.

Adopt a child

Have another man father the child

try to get help with medical expenses if you want to go that


Buy a baby on the black market

Steal a baby

If you are physically okay to have a cild and your husband can't get you pregnant then go have a few nights out with some young good lovers. May as well enjoy life.
Well this is a hard one. At 42 you are pushing the childbearing thing. But it is not impossible. You could just keep trying. Some times nature will surprise you. My real recommendation would be to seek out help from a fertility specialist. Since you are working with age and a sperm issue. Keep in mind that their are no guarantees with any procedure and they are expensive, but if you want something bad enough you find a way. IVF with ICSI would most likely be your best option. Good luck, I hope that you are able to find a way
There are millions of children looking for a loving home, please adopt one of them.

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