Monday, December 28, 2009

Could my husband missing the birth of our first child cause bonding issues?

My husband is in the Army and we are moving to Japan in September, and im due in december. It is likely that he will be deployed when im supposed to give birth and im worried that it will cause bonding issues if he not there for the process... has anyone been in a simular situation or have any ideas ? Thank you so much for your time!Could my husband missing the birth of our first child cause bonding issues?
no he can bond when he gets backCould my husband missing the birth of our first child cause bonding issues?
I don't think that simply missing the birth will cause issues. Bonding doesn't happen all in one moment. It happens over time, as the child has physical and emotional needs that are met by their caretaker, over and over again, as they learn to trust that the needs will be met. It happens as the parent pushes through worry, exhaustion %26amp; discomfort, day after day, and is paid back with smiles, hugs, laughs and the fulfilling feelings of challenges faced %26amp; met.

Whenever he does get to spend time with baby, let him be full on caretaker, making mistakes (just like you will at first) %26amp; learning from them, building his own relationship with the baby, bit by bit. That's where the bonding is.
The baby will be just fine, as long as he is there as much as possible after. My husband was in the Navy for 5 years and he was on a nine month deployment while I was pregnant with our first baby and he missed the birth and the first five weeks. But once he got back he tried to spend as much time as possible with the baby. Now they have a great relationship and you would never know that he wasnt able to be there for the pregnancy or birth. Even if he is not able to be there longer than 5 weeks after the baby is born show the baby pictures, and if you can get video of your husband so the baby can hear his voice, and even have him talk to the baby on the video this will definitely help. Remember, he's not going to be gone forever even though it seems like he will be. I totally understand and it's a very rough thing to go through. I had a very hard time, but you will get through it just like I did, and if it doesnt break you it will only make you stronger. :) Hope this helps :) :)
No--there isn't a single kid on earth who remembers the day they were born. His being in the Army does not cause bonding issues--in fact, if it makes him a positive and strong male rolemodel, he may be better at bonding. Bonding is a matter of effort, not just being present. Being EMOTIONALLY present is what matters.
do you think that before fathers were common in the delivery room that no father bonded with his child? i can tell you my father never went near a delivery room (i was born in 1957) and he and i were inseperable til his death in 1972. my husband was present at our son's birth and although they love each other, they have always had issues. don't worry. love causes the bonding, not not being there at the moment of birth, otherwise how do you account for adoptive parents being bonded with their children? please thank your husband for his service for me and i will pray he will be back home with his family soon.
There were millions of Dads missed the birth of their children when it wasn't allowed ,as little at 30 years ago, including mine. That didn't matter a jot to the bonding between them.

It all depends on the dad in the end.

There are some dads that see their children born and never bond anyway?

Don't worry about it.
I have 4 girls with different fathers none of them were there during the birht. The bond is when he spends time with the baby showing him/her love that's the bond. 2 of my girls are closer to my husband and not there father because h'es been there for them through things and listen to them they call him dad and there is no blood relationship with them...
I think it shouldn't if you try to let the baby know the he has a daddy that luvs him and is working hard to give the best to him and u. Not only that but to tthe world, if he's in the Army . Just show pix. to the baby everyday from day one, some people may think it might be a little weird but just hope and have faith that doesn't happen. Good luck
Show pictures of your husband and play recordings of his voice.

Talk to the baby about Daddy.

It will work out when he returns.

Millions of babies have been born when Dad was in the service and somehow they bonded.

Good luck and congratulations.
You'll be more upset about it than he or the baby will be.

LOTS of video tape to send him, and keep it coming until he gets home.
It's not like the kid's going to remember. And think about it -- adoptive parents often aren't present when the baby's born. And adopted kids bond with their parents just fine, don't they?
Yes well he will need to bond with that baby when he gets home. He can do that by spending a lot of time with the child - holding and caring for him/her.
u're not only one...when the father comes home, he can bond with the baby and take it from there...dont worry about missing births.

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