Thursday, December 31, 2009

How to deal with an embarassing husband?

My best friends daughter had an engagement party , so I asked my husband to go with me . He did and every thing went down hill when we got there. First off he started acting like he couldn't hear me , then he took a bottle cap of cold water and threw it in my face but it ended up hitting my daughter instead. I was so mad at him. He said he was board He is starting to get on my ******* nerves. I wanted to curse him out but because we where in front of people I kept my cool. But when we left we got into it .How to deal with an embarassing husband?
i bet you that this a act to tell you that i prefer not to attend these boring things which you make me attend. mostly he thinks if act like a goof then maybe the word will get out not to invite him to any parties cause he makes a scene. i'm sure he just told you he didn't want to go, it would most likely make you upset and then he has to deal with it.just think if this is the way he acts all the time or is this just the 1st incident that he has done this to the level of obnoxious?i'm sure you get the picture by now, if you can answer that. then you should have the reason how come this occured.How to deal with an embarassing husband?
I would get counseling and fast! There is no reason for him to be acting that way! If he refuses to go to counseling, then leave him. You don't deserve that kind of treatment. If he is so bored, then he can learn anger management and then he won't be so bored, will he?
Did the engagement party set him off? Maybe he's feels like marriage is a sham and was trying to show the new couple what they were in for? I dont know about you but I'd hire an escort before I take his @ss anywhere with me again!
how old is this man, and what would make him think his boredom justifies throwing water in your face. I would be ready to kill him. He would be sleeping on the couch for a long time. So sorry you had to go through that.
You have to remember that he is not embarrassing you but his self. You are not responsible for his actions.

Personally I would leave him home next time.
you poor thing. gosh, i would be so mad and humiliated. seems like he wanted to act like a teenager. just don't invite him anymore.
I would not speak to him until he apologized, and then I still would be angry. that was stupid and uncalled for of him.
Tell him its time to grow up and act like a married man not some child.

Stop taking him places with you until he can act like an adult.
u make a really big deal out of things.

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