Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Does anyone have any advice on pregnancy while my husband is deployed in the Navy?

My husband was just recently deployed and I also just found out I'm pregnant with our first baby. It was kind of a shock/unexpected and I'm scared to death so I was just wondering if anyone knew anything about this, thanks!Does anyone have any advice on pregnancy while my husband is deployed in the Navy?
i am in the same situaltion, my partner was sent to afghanistan one week before i found out i was pregnant.Does anyone have any advice on pregnancy while my husband is deployed in the Navy?
The best thing you can do first is identify your support person, it can be anyone, male or female, that is unconditionally there for you. I would suggest someone who is already a parent, and therefore knows what to expect in a pregnancy. A really helpful website for pregnancy information is webmd, they have calendars and discussion groups that may answer some of the questions you might have. Another thing to remember is that though you might not hear from your husband as often as you want and you are seperated right now, he loves you and wants to be returned to be with you as soon as possible.
Congratulations! What an exciting time!

I would suggest joining a military wives group in your area. They would be the best resource since they most likely have gone through the same thing. You might be able to buddy up with someone else who is pregnant at the moment.

I had to answer your question - my grandmother went through the same thing! She found out she was pregnant in 1941 while my grandfather was stationed in Hawaii. She was at the Navy base in San Diego. She soon found out she was having twins! When she went into labor, she had to be taken by boat to the mainland in the middle of the night, since there wasn't a bridge. She had the twins, then loaded them onto a steamship and left for Hawaii. She got there just in time for - you guessed it - the attack on Pearl Harbor! She hid the babies under the stairs in the house and ran outside just in time to see the Japanese Zeros bombing the base!

You'll do fine - read books, talk to other moms, and most of all, try making a scrapbook for your husband, so when he comes home, he'll see how it all went. Write about how you are feeling, your doctor visits, when the baby starts moving, and all of that. He'll love it!

Good luck!
Hi. My husband was deployed in March. After 2 months of in country training, i got to see him before he left the country and low and behold i got pregnant during that time (may). So, he's gone for a year and of course, he won't be home in time for the baby to come unless something special happens.

One thing i was able to do is take my laptop to the doctor for my first ultrasound and he got to be there via webcam. That was really fun for him and a huge moral booster. I would check into it, the communication is free from laptop to laptop through a program called skype. Other than that, i'm still in shock and have not figured out how this will go without him. We only got married in Feb. so, it's a lot really fast, and for sure wasn't in out plan.

Hang in there.. do you have family close by?

I understand exactly what your going through. I'm 16 wks pregnant and my husband deploys in 2 weeks. Hes in the Marine Corps. and were stationed at Camp Lejeune. We also have a 5 year old daughter who was born when he was deployed in 2003. Its very tough but if you have a good support base established, you'll do just fine! They have classes on base that can help you too. I started signing up for mine just to keep busy while hes gone this time. Go do fun things like the 3D and 4D ultra sounds while hes gone and send them to him. You'll enjoy seeing them and he'll love feeling like hes still apart of the pregnancy, even with him being so far away. Good Luck and remember... God made the toughest women to be military wives!
have a look at some baby websites, and get signed up for a pregnancy callendar and e-mails, they will let you know whats going on week by week, ask friends for extra support
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