Thursday, December 31, 2009

Can my husband get arrested in Illinois if he has a warrant for not appearing for a traffic ticket in Texas?

Don't ask me why he didn't appear, but we just found out he has a warrant in Texas for not appearing for a speeding ticket,and proof of insurance. This was back in 2005. But a letter came to his mother's home that said there was a warrant.Can my husband get arrested in Illinois if he has a warrant for not appearing for a traffic ticket in Texas?
I seriously doubt that Texas would pay for extradition for a speeding ticket and failure to appear.

I suggest contacting the DA's office in the county involved, and sending them payment to clear it up. You never know when you might drive through Texas again.Can my husband get arrested in Illinois if he has a warrant for not appearing for a traffic ticket in Texas?
It isn't likely that Texas is going to extradite your husband from Illinois for a minor traffic violation. The warrant isn't even likely to be revealed to law enforcement in Illinois due to the nature of the warrant. But if you and he ever decide you want to go to Texas, it might be a good idea to write a letter to the court to find out what to do about it.

What could happen, but unlikely too, is that agency where he got the tickets could still go to the court and ask for default judgement since he didn't show up and then it could be turned over to collections. There goes your credit rating.
Failure to Appear for Speeding and No Proof of Liablility Insurance would be a misdemeanor charge. States generally will not extradite on a misdemeanor, only felony level charges (those with a possible punishment of over one year incarceration). So the quick answer is no, he will most likely not be arrested in Illinois for the Texas warrant. The cost of extradition procedings and transport of your husband would outweigh the value of brining him to justice.

However, most states will suspend the driving privileges fo someone who does not appear for court and most states honor a suspension of driving privileges in another state.So, he could be arrested for Driving While License Privilege Suspended.

My advise would be to contact the Prosecuting Attorney in Texas and see if there is any way to take care of this without returning to Texas, possible a written plea agreement. And also check your husband's driving record in Texas and make sure he does whatever is needed to get that reinstated.
It depends. In most cases no. Texas will not enter the information into NCIC since it sounds like a simple bond forfeiture warrant for a class c misdemeanor or less. Even if it shows upon a stop in Illinois all outside warrants being served depend on if the outside unit (Texas in your case) wants to pay for extradiction. I assure you that Texas does not want to pay to send an officer up to Illinois to escort your husband back to Texas for trial.
Your best bet is to contact the courts and ask them these questions. They are the ones who will process your ticket and will know all the laws and regulation. You should also ask the courts if you are allowed to take a driving school class. This will prevent your insurance from going up and points from being placed on your license. Just make sure you get the courts permission before doing so. If you don鈥檛 the courts will reject your driving school certificate. Good luck!
in most cases no, because for a traffic warrant witch is usualy a few hundred dollers the poice dept that has it will only exstradite in state meaning the will only come and get the subject if he is located in state,some times depending on the agency and how mush the bond is on the warrant they may not evan arrest him in the state of texas it could be just in there jurisdiction.but saying all that you may not get arrested for the warrant BUT any time you dont pay a fine the agency will send that to the department of public safety or the head of drivers license in your state and suspend your license.meaning by that any time you get pulled over no matter what state or country when the check license it will apear suspended so in other you no longer have a drivers license, and they will arrest you for that no matter what state you are in, and the only way you can get your license back is to go back to the agency with the warrant pay it and take a sighned letter from that agency to dps stating that it has been payed in full and after that and all the fins on your arrest for having no license they will give you a valid license again with all this mess on your traffic record.
The police could hold him and someone from Texas would have to come and get him... the chances of that happening though are not big... unless he gets a PO'd cop that wants to cause trouble. The police would rather extradite someone for a major offense... not a traffic ticket.

The best thing he could do is call then in Texas and try and handle it over the phone. If not... stay out of Texas.
If the court in Texas is willing to have him shipped to Texas i am certain he could be held in Illinois. Missing court dates is no joke and is a serious offense. The offender gets a high bond put on him at about 25 thousand dollars and they put a bench warrant out on the person and they pull his bail. It is not a pretty picture.
Yes, illinois will arrest him, hold him and wait for 30days for Texas to claim him.

After 30 days he can be released and rearrested on the same warrant if it is not cleared up and spend another 30 day at another lock up facility.

Wise to contact Texas and clear up the matter.
The same thing happened to my uncle. I'm not sure of the technicalities, but he had a warrant from Massachusetts and he was arrested in many and incarcerated in Massachusetts. :(
The police could hold him until someone from Texas came to get him or they could arrest him on behalf of Texas
Yes he can..

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