Monday, December 28, 2009

How does a DLA work and how does my husband get it?

It is his first duty station. I dont know if we can get a DLA. We need the money for a new place because they want double the amount as a deposit. We are doing a DITY since we have a car that we need since we cant afford a new one.How does a DLA work and how does my husband get it?
I think that I gave you some infromation before. If your husband is in the Marine Corps he will need to fill out a PCS worksheet. On that worksheet he will request his DLA. Yes, if he is moving you he rates the DLA. I am not sure of the amount that you will recieve, but it should help you out. TMO has nothing to do with DLA or any of the financial side or your move. IPAC is the one that authorizes the money for the move based on the PCS worksheet.

As for moving the car. Yes the miliatry will move it, but what they look at is the cost. If it is cheaper for you to drive the car than it is to contract a mover for it, then you will have to drive the car. You say that you are towing it behind you moving truck, same thing. He will rate miliage for the move, one day of travel and moving pre diem. Google The Joint Frederal Travel Regulations (JFTR) as your reference but not the bible.How does a DLA work and how does my husband get it?
With it being the first duty after schooling (A School, AIT, etc...) it means that he can put in a travel advance request but usually it is pay out of pocket and then get refunded when he reports in. DLA will be given and starts at $1700 with dependents and goes up from there. If you are doing a DITY move then you will get MALT (mileage) and Per Diem, but if you are using a trailer you will not get MALT for that necessarily. You need to make sure the trailer/Uhaul is weighed at a proper weigh station before you pack it, then after you pack it. Then again when you arrive at the new command. This is to make sure you do not get paid for extra weight. You also have to make a good weight estimate because if you are over what you say then you will not get paid for that at all.

Travel Pay is actually going to be taxes so you are aware of that.

He cannot file for DLA until you are there.
ok, just cause you have a car does not mean you have to do a full dity move... if your moving in the states the army can still ship all your stuff and you will be able to drive your vehicle to your duty station. DLA - i am not sure what the requirements for those are, we have gotten tham but since you are going to the first duty station he should go to the finance or travel office and he will be able to get the answers for sure there. If he is authorized for dla, he can put in a request for an advance of 80% of it and get it withini two weeks of putting in the request, the rest he will get once he gets to his new duty station. Good luck
he needs to talk with finance and tmo they will tell him if he is allowed to get the dla or not, with the dity move you realize you need weights and keep reciepts for everything because you will get taxed on the money they give you back and you wont get the amount they would have paid a pro moving company you get something like 75 % of that..and having done one in jan of this year our first and only we will never do another...tooo much work involved for such a small amount of money.
DLA is a set rate based on paygrade that does not have to be paid back. he can request it paid in advance..about ten days out. HOWEVER.. MOST schools WILL NOT PROCESS the paperwork so he may be told he cannot get it up front and will have to file the paperwork when he arrives at the duty station.
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