Monday, December 28, 2009

I just found out that my family is planning on hiring a hit man to kill my husband. What can I do?

I have found out that it is going to planned to take place in Las Vegas. My aunt's husband is from Chicago and knows a hitman. My mom is doing this and I'm very afraid for my husband. I don't know what laws are out there to protect him. Please help.I just found out that my family is planning on hiring a hit man to kill my husband. What can I do?
You need to contact the police IMMEDIATELY. Knowing about it and not doing anything will land you in jail just as quickly as commiting the crime.I just found out that my family is planning on hiring a hit man to kill my husband. What can I do? instead of going to the cops who know how to handle this situation properly and effectively, you went to a mass population of anonymous people who talk to you over the Internet? great choice

seriously, though, call the cops NOW and tell them about this
call the police now
Contact you local cops file a report. Also go to the Sheriff's and file a report, then go to the D.A. Inform the law that you are leaving town for you safety. Also if possible get a recording or video tape of these threats. Any evidence will help including witnesses. Also print out what you have written here. Everthing is evidence.
nothing funny here. get this information to the proper authorities immediately. nothing on yahoo answers is going to help. if there is even a remote chance you're right, police need to be in the picture.
Call the police
Go to your local law enforcement agency and bring any evidence you have. If there's sufficient evidence, they can wiretap the involved parties and collect further evidence to try to catch the persons involved.

Sorry that your family seems devoid of morals!
call the freakin swat team u retard
Police if it is real ...and warn your husband
And how do you know this?

Stay away from Vegas.

Tell you mother to knock it off.

Tell your uncle to knock it off.

Why don't they like your husband?

Make sure your husband has his life insurance premiums paid up.That is very important.

And, Good Luck !
Make sure you don't sit right next to him for the next few weeks - just in case their aim is bad.
I would talk to your local police can you prove any of it. If so thats more evidence out there against your family. Tell your husband as well. The local police can help you out more than we can. But please be take our advise.
Are you kidding me...why would they want to do this?? Thats terrible. Call your local police dept.
why are you asking this on here? Is it another joke? What has your husband done to make these people go to these lengths?? either move or leave your husband, and give him the heads up if you think he deserves it.
I agree with luv'n'life
You have two choices.

1. Call the Police

2. Talk about it with complete strangers on Y/A

It would really be ironic if the hit man was also on Y/A, and figures out who you are.
If this is real, you need to contact the police immediately.
Yeah, tell the police and tell them to keep it on the ';down low'; (they should know to anyway). They should get an undercover cop to take him (and maybe you) to the police station. There, they should put you and your husband in a holding cell, or some other authorized area. You might need to change your name and move out of town.
If this is real, contact police immediately. If across state lines, contact the FBI immediately.

If not real, get some counseling immediately!
How did you find out about this? Did your mother tell you what she was planning? Ye Gawds, if this is so, what kind of a mother do you have? Turn her A** in pronto.
Well for one there are laws against murder and hiring a hit man. Go to the police.
I don't believe you. No one with even half a brain would ask complete strangers online what to do. That person with half that brain would know to notify law enforcement.

But just in case it is true, then you have less than half a brain for asking us. You already have your solution. Read all the previous answers.
You really should be discussing this with your local police. They can advise you much better than anyone here can.
Why would you share this with people that you don't know? . I'm sure that you know that the best people to help are in the police department.

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