Thursday, December 31, 2009

Will my husband be able to come home to see our baby born?

I just found out im pregnant. Im guessing im around 6 weeks. My husband is leaving for boot camp July 14th. Hes in the marines so it will be around 3 months. Then he'll have 20 weeks of School 5 months. Im allowed to visit him while he's in the military school thing, on the weekends. But will they let him come to see his baby be born? Its our first child.Will my husband be able to come home to see our baby born?
He can put in for a pass for leave, but with it being that close to the end of school, probably not. I am very sorry. My husband was gone my entire pregnancy, in fact I found out we were expecting the week after he left. It really sucks.

The military does have video conferencing they use so that the soldier can watch the birth from far away, they use it for deployments and such IDK if they would use it for this.

GL and congrats on the baby!!Will my husband be able to come home to see our baby born?
My husband is a Marine and doing his MOS right now in Missouri. Where my husband is at they get ';passes'; these passes depend on how long they have been there..etc.. The color of the passes determine what they can do on their liberty (weekends and evenings off). I am sure it is probably pretty much the same where your husband will be. They basically have to earn the right to do things, so if he doesn't have certain priviliges at certain times you may not be able to spend the weekends with him. You will have to wait until he gets to his MOS before you know what he will be allowed to do, also his fellow Marines determine alot by their behaviors too. If someone in his company messes up, the entire company usually suffers for it. So don't be counting your chickens before they are hatched. Visiting him on weekends sounds great but it may not happen :-( Hopefully for your sake it does. As far as him coming home for the baby, my husband's rack mate got a 2 week paternity leave to go home for the birth of his daughter but that was because their MOS was backed up for 2 weeks so they hadn't started their school yet.There is a possibility that your husband will get to come home. It all just depends. The unknown is the worst part of military life. If you have any more questions please feel free to email me, I could share alot of good info w/ you! Good Luck!!
There are several factors that would have to be considered. We often had to deny leave to troops because of operational commitment's. As it sound he will be done with boot camp and for the most part hi mos training. He could very well be home on leave when your time has come. He does need to make sure you have an ID card and sign up for the tricare prime. This way you can get check into the hospital and the medical matters can be dealt with. His paper work will need to be kept up too date even after the little one is born so any and all other medical matters can be dealt with.

You both need too decide on are you and the baby going to be with him at his duty station? Good luck and congrats on the new baby
Very unlikely. I would go ahead and plan on a plan B like a family member being could always consider having the birth videotaped.

Passes are possible especially at the end of MOS training but they are often restricted to a radius of the training you live close? My husband is re-classing and they aren't able to take leave during training and they aren't permitted to take ANY days off or they wash back. Without knowing your situation it is hard to tell how easy it will be for him. He can always ask his DI when he gets there and see what they have to say.
It depends on his leaders attitudes and unit policies. There really shouldn't be any reason why he can't be there. Family is very important to the military these days (at least in the Navy).

I was on deployment in Japan when my wife went into emergency labor. I was home w/in 24hrs.

Just make sure that he communicates his situation w/ his superiors asap and how important it is to him. If they give him any crap he should take it up the chain.
If he is in boot I would say no, however, if he is in the Marines version of AIT I would say yes. If they don't let him in AIT I would tell him to take it up the chain of command. If he is in the AIT type school there is no reason why he shouldn't get a four day pass or at least a two day.
You have to tell the military guards that this is very importaint to you and your husband. I would sudgest writing them a note. Maybe, just maybe they could let your husband go on a maturnity type of leave to be there through the delivery and spend a couple of weeks your with the baby. Hope all goes well!
i dont know about marines but i know in army that ive heard a lot of guys have been on the phone when their babies were born even if the first i got extremely lucky with my last one he got home on r %26amp; r the day before our son was born and i was due in 3 days but i had to go to the hospital a month early and stay for three days and they almost took the baby and if they did take him then then my hubby wouldnt have been here for the birth that was pure luck they did know my due date and scheduled his leave around that day but there is no way of telling if youll go early or late due date is an estimate hope they will let him id say when he gets to school he should let his command know your pregnant they would be the ones to tell you the proper answer i think its near impossible but worth a shot they will try to get the soldier home if there are complications i do believe but i dont know much about the marines speaking from army experience its just one of the many sacrifices we make as military wives unfortunately good luck
no he will not, because while he maybe allowed to go off the base on weekends while in school, he will be restricted to how far away he can be. The only way he could be there is if he has completed schooling and is getting ready to PCS when you are delivering and you are there together.
he will be assigned in less than 40 weeks? obviously, if hes in active service overseas, he wont be coming home by then..i've heard stories of men who werent allowed to attend funerals for families, i dont see why a birth would be different..congrats btw..
well he might it just depends on his officers at his school...what you might be abvle to do is set up what many are doing while they are in Iraq is having them show it with a computer connection..

that is if they wont let him go home.
If hes out of basic and out of his particular MOS school, then the possibility is better. If not I don't think they will let him leave more than the normal weekend he gets and then if its within the mileage allowed
I trust most of the information already given. However I must say that there is no harm in requesting leave beforehand. I'm sure that there is a glimmer of hope in the cold heart of the admin office. (I kid I Kid.)
I think that he can come home on the weekends as long as he's back by the time school starts on monday, but other than that he can't come home unless he has an official leave.
more and likely not but once he is in his mos school he should let his instructor know and perhaps they will. after his mos school he will rate leave prior to checking into his first duty station if he chooses to take it.
no, they probably will not let him come home. Sorry, but its the harsh reality of military life.
Probably not.
Thats doubtful.
all branches are different, yet, if he requests leave 15 days in advance and out of MOS, yes..

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