Monday, December 28, 2009

Cholesterol level of 240. Will a change in diet bring down the cholesterol levels to normal. My husband has?

begun exercising daily. Eats 2 fruits a day which includes an apple, has 6 servings of veggies, soya products with all meals, oats at breakfast, whole grain breads, lean meat mostly chicken and has reduced saturated/ hydrogenated containing foods to twice a week in controled quantity. I am also giving him Canola spread on his bread and cook his food in Olive/ Canola oils.

Will this help lower his cholesterol. His weight is perfect for his height and age.Cholesterol level of 240. Will a change in diet bring down the cholesterol levels to normal. My husband has?
You've gotten a lot of advice, but only a trial of diet and exercise will tell you if they'll work. Some people's bodies manufacture too much cholesterol, and all the healthy food and exercise in the world won't bring their numbers to safe levels. (Just as it didn't protect some of us from breast cancer!)

His doctors are in a much better position than a bunch of Yahoo!s to advise him on the best course of action. I'd recommend that he discuss it with them.

Because we'd like to believe that we are in control of our destinies, we'd also like to believe that our health is totally up to us. While there are many things we can do to keep us healthier, the fact is that everyone born will die of something. Not all health problems are directly related to our behavior, attitude, diet or belief systems. Sometimes bodies just don't work very well.


.Cholesterol level of 240. Will a change in diet bring down the cholesterol levels to normal. My husband has?
Oh! Don't talk about cholesterol counts! I've got to get mine taken this week! :-( Yes, this will really help out the numbers drop!

What you are doing sounds just great, but try eating a fruit just after you wake up to prepare your tummies for that healthy breakfast! If you can't stop the meats, at least eat more fish, but not shrimp or other cholesterol loaded seafoods.. bring something healthy to munch on at work..this could be something to look forward to, as a treat and is good for you. [carrot sticks, apples %26amp; peanut butter...]

If you would like, check out a vegetarian food pyramid to help you make some decisions on how much of 'what' to eat throughout the day. You can some replace meats, occasionally if you like, with beans. They have plenty of protein [and you will be surprised that it takes very little amt. of beans to give you the proper nutrients for the day], no fat and are pretty great on that $$ saved in the grocery store! Do experiment with a variety of salt-free alternatives, spices and vegetables that you don't usually use!

You may choose to keep a little 'folder' on your computer w/information you find about healthier recipes, fruit/veggie nutrition facts and other important exchanges in your daily meals. Just for fun, try web-search fruit/veggie nutrition facts and compare red bell-peppers vs. oranges on Vitamin C !

My best wishes to you both!
Excellent plan. I am impressed.
add Walnuts. Walnuts have been proven to lower cholesterol. Many people add walnuts to oatmeal
your on the right tract, but consider also professional advice - what about your doctor's advise? and what type of physical activity is your husband in before? exercising although good should be under the knowledge or supervision of your doctor.. and what about the cholesterol? there are several types, again refer to your doctor. try also deep sea fishes like mackerels, salmons, herrings, anchovies (the so-called MASH) they are rich in good cholesterol, the omega 3's.. i've read somewhere that olive oil should not be cooked?..i commend you for being concerned about your husband's health and i guess yours too?! and since your on this path, watch out also your salt intake, processed food esp those rich in refined sugars... consider these 3 B - bake, broil, buy them fresh (canning has some extra ingredients you cant pronounce and probably dont know why they are their in the first place). hope this helps...

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