Thursday, December 31, 2009

When should my child stop seeing myself and my husband naked??

We have 2 daughters, ages 6 and 3. Our room is always open and they come in while we are getting ready to take a shower, going to the bathroom, getting dressed, etc. Do you think that this is unusual? My husband has recently been making sure that the girls do not see him naked, but is there anything wrong with daughters continuing to see their mom naked? Just curious if anybody else has had this situation.When should my child stop seeing myself and my husband naked??
I have 3 girls. None of them have seen their dad naked....well they did but they were so little they don't remember. They have all seen me naked. I don't know how any mother with kids avoids it totally even if it isn't intentional. I try to go to the bathroom and not only does my 3 year old barge in on me but so does my 12 year old. They would never walk in on Dad or anyone else but for some crazy reason Mom's bathroom time is never sacred. My girls are fine. I don't do inappropriate things in front of them and not to mention you should never teach a child to feel ashamed of their bodies. We were born naked. I think if you make a big deal about it, it could lead to shameful feelings that aren't necessary. Kids will eventually develop a sense of privacy and they will let you know when they stop walking in on you in the bathroom or bedroom and when they start locking the bathroom door or bedroom door to prevent you from seeing them.When should my child stop seeing myself and my husband naked??
I think I am the odd person out here. While I certainly don't think you should parade around your kids naked--I also don't think a big deal should be made out of nudity.

With Mom and daughter I don't see any real problem--although like I say, I am not necessairly advocating full fledged nudism (though I am not really certain there is all that much wrong with it)--my daughter sees me all the time when I have been attempting to get rid of tanlines. I used to skinny dip and use the hot tub with my Mom and/or sister--and don't think it corrupted me.
THEY will become embarassed at a certain age %26amp; refrain. My daughter is 9, my son is 3. I typically just turn my back to them if I'm dressing.

The only thing I stopped was touching. If they tried I'd say ';That is mommy's, only I can touch it. And only YOU can touch your privates.'; It taught boundaries %26amp; introduced the good/bad touch talk.

EDITED to add: My daughter has never seen her father naked. I tihnk it's mainly bc he's careful so it never COULD have happened, KWIM?
B4 they ever start Going to any type of school you should stop..(REASON is cuz)..things could happen if they have images like so in there minds, and Little ones tend to talk and tell everything that they hear and see and ask others if they seen so and that can cause troubles lol
i think you guys should let the kids stop seeing you guys naked because they might say something at school and a teacher may overhear one of them saying I SEE MY MOMMY AND DADDY NAKED and they teacher might get a whole buch of people like a principal \, school social worker , etc involved all because of that so the the state might be up ur butt cuz the school called and said something and paretns will be concerned too soo u need to stop and talk to them
I recommend that your daughter's stop seeing their father naked, but I am 26 years old and I still see my mom naked and she has seen me naked. There is nothing wrong in my opinion, you are a female and they are females.
I think it is wise to keep hubby covered up in front of them. However, you are their mother and if you are comfortable in your skin, you will be teaching your daughters to be comfy in theirs!
i think it is still fine for the 3 year old, but you might want to stop it infront of the six year old. she is getting sorta old for that.
You're children should not see you naked to begin with ..Accidents happen certainly but no they should never see you or you're husband naked.
as long as they know your body's are ok to see

there nothing wrong with the human body .

in our family we don't hide just be happy as we are
Now!!!!!!! its time to stop even if there girls and ur a women its just not right but i mean i fits an accident like ';oops'; then its fine but otherwise u need to stop NOW
they will stop when it is time. All it is is the naked body. you are not having sex with your hubby in front of them
I think as soon as possible would be better

Nudists have had no problems with this. Why should you?
6 is old enough. should have stopped when they she was 5. the 3 year old is ok for now but why would you be walking around naked anyways? come on! lol whether you are the mom or the dad. it's completely wrong!!! i'm glad your husband is actually using his brain. goodluck
They should never see their father nude

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