Friday, April 30, 2010

Why do women resent giving part of their income to the husband, while husbands do not ? When a wife works and?

the husband does not work, with very very few excetptions, she is deeply unhappy, however when it is the other way around, the husband thinks nothing of supporting wifey. Why is that ?Why do women resent giving part of their income to the husband, while husbands do not ? When a wife works and?

';If these numbers are to be believed, it means there must be a great deal of women (the mothers) who are willing to support the fathers financially.';

How did you arrive at that conclusion? How is that statistics have any external validity? Men are SAHP coz of the economy. Pray what was the number 2 years ago?

And you have missed the point the questioner is making:

men don't think twice about being the sole bread winner, because they don't consider that as ';SUPPORTING'; their wives. They think its but obvious.

What he is asking is, why the same mentality doesn't exist in women, yet? And there are no statistics out measuring women's mentality.

The only indicator of such is the fact that 80% of divorces are initiated by women and financial problems are the most important factor.Why do women resent giving part of their income to the husband, while husbands do not ? When a wife works and?
I agree. No one thinks twice about a male physician married to a women who works part time as a secretary or is a stay at home Mom. A female physician will usually marry a male physician, and if one were to marry a part time retail worker people would look askance at it.

I think it is because for years the it was expected that men of a certain class would support their spouse and ';bring home the bacon';. Women learned to evaluate men based on their job, since back then they had few career options themselves.

Since then a lot of effort has been expended to get people to accept the notion of women working outside of the home in traditional ';male'; occupations. No one has really fought for acceptance of men who do NOT work outside of the home. Women never really changed how they evaluated men when women's lib began.

This is, in my opinion, a big weakness of the feminist movement. Super ambitious career men often have the advantage of ';stay at home mom'; spouses who handle child care and put their careers second. This lets the man focus on work. Women tend not to respect men who are not career focused. This means they marry a man with an equivalent career, and have to either make time for child care or not have kids.
1) that's not necessarily true. some men do resent having to work, and some wives don't.

2) if we're going to generalize anyhow, maybe it's because when still do stuff when they aren't working--like cleaning the house, raising the kids, running errands, etc, and men only sit around playing video games. (hey, if we're gonna do gross generalizations, why not go all the way, eh??)

edit: so what's your source that this is how the majority are? scientific studies or personal experience? just curious. cuz if we're doing personal experience, and assuming that makes something a majority in the rest of the world and not just one's individual world, then see #2 because that's my personal experience...
Okay since you experience memory loss- my hubby was a mere law student when we first got married. That was his job (along with basic care taking of our apartment building). I provided the income while he was working toward a goal. It wasn't a problem. However, if he had been home playing video games while I worked it would have been.

You seem to be asserting that men today don't care if their wives work or stay home. That is not true. With 85% of women %26lt;65 years whose children are grown, are in the workforce. Some 70% of women with children %26lt;12 years are also in the workforce. I am sure these men would not want these women to quit their jobs on a whim.
hahahaha....I think you must have split personality with where your questions come from. Clearly we have never seen questions on here from men complaining about giving women money or them being ';gold diggers'; if they don't work. I have no problem supporting my husband financially in a time of need and would not resent him as long as he was doing something with his life and that is how it would work if I was unemployed as well. We both believe in being productive citizens.
Maybe he is squandering her income?

If he is staying at home and taking care of the house, kids, meals, etc. then he should get an allowance to be able to care for all of those things plus have a little for himself, you know to get his hair done and maybe to get some sexy pj's. :)
you my dear of all people jsut stated that we should except the differences in genders... lol I dont agree with what the truth brings or how society has made men and women but no body can deny the truth... why is it that way? well I believe that women wan to be taken care of... most anyways... not the other way around. I love doing dishes and laundry, and even get upset when my guy does it for me... lol that is my role... and he would be sad if ever he thought i didn't think he could provide for us... so my money remains mine and his laundry is also mine lol... men are just as head strong as us ladies!
I didn't resent the fact that I was giving him money... I resented the fact that he wasn't even looking for a job, and I can support myself, I can't support him... Plus, he had major anger issues about it.
I don't know any women who feel that way.

I am and will perfectly happy to work outside the home with a work at home or stay at home husband!
Ok, where are you getting your information? Evidence, please. Or at least a little back up details. More and more men are feeling they can be Stay at Home Dads. Right now, almost 20% of fathers are SAHDs. ( ). And some 37-49% of men have considered it. (scroll down on link given.) If these numbers are to be believed, it means there must be a great deal of women (the mothers) who are willing to support the fathers financially.

As a career woman, I have already discussed with my man the possibility of him being a SAHD. If I make enough money, he says he's willing. In return, I would be eternally grateful as I don't have the fortitude to be a SAHM. I would NOT be ';deeply unhappy.'; Would I miss that time with my children? Sure. But so does a father when he leaves.

You argument is null and void in a rapidly changing environment where men are given more and more social freedoms. Welcome to the new world.

BratRich--Did you look at the link? Those numbers, many of them, ARE from more than 2 years ago. Go back and clink on the links for each set of numbers and actually READ the freaking articles instead of making assumptions.

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