Friday, April 30, 2010

Do I have to show up to testify against my husband if i was supeana?

Its for a domestic violence case. i was wondering if i could be arrested if i didn't show?Do I have to show up to testify against my husband if i was supeana?
If you don't respond to a subpoena the court can have the sheriff come and pick you up. Do I have to show up to testify against my husband if i was supeana?
If you don't show up, this man will go free because there will be no one to claim he did the domestic violence. This means he is free to go and do it again, either to you or someone else. You don't say why you don't want to go, but talk to the prosecutor in the case and let them know your fears (if any) and any possible way to help.

You may be able to give a statement (deposition) that could be used in court or possibly a video taped deposition. Either way good luck.
Depending upon which state you live, you may not be able to claim the right of spousal privilege, which gives you the option to testify or not.

Why wouldn't you want to testify? If someone has abused you, they will more than likely continue.....even if they have promised they won't. Please consider the circumstances carefully, it may be the opportunity that you need to begin to build your self esteem. You are worth it.

All the Best!
Supeana means you have to show up or take the risk of being arrested yourself. and not showing up will probably make the judge throw out the case. Why would you not want to show up if it was domestic violence.
Yes, you must show up and yes, if you don't, or send a lawyer with a very good excuse, you can get arrested.
Duh, yes. If you didn't want to testify, then why press charges?
yes, good luck babe, be strong

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