Saturday, January 9, 2010

Im looking for a couple of good books for my husband?

Im looking for books for my husband who is a marine and is being deployed. I would like him to read in between the hours he'll spend playing video games so I need books that will capture his attention. I don't want it to be something about the war or marines because i want it to take him away from it. What do you have in mind?Im looking for a couple of good books for my husband?
It depends on what type of books he is interested in. Here are some recommendations for several genres:

Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer (Biography)

Angels and Demons %26amp;

The Di Vinci Code by Dan Brown (Mystery/Religion) They are not religious they just explain a lot about it.

The Wheel of Time Series by Robert Jordan (Fantasy/Science Fiction) Really long

A Game of Thrones Series by George RR Martin (Fantasy/Sci Fi) Guys seems to like this more than Jordan

Silence of the Lambs by Thomas Harris (Thriller)

The Shining by Stephen King (Horror)

You don't want to get him anything too heavy. My husband deployed last September and he isn't much of a reader but I got him audiobooks. he could just put them on his ipod and listen all day. If he wants to do that then go to the library and get as many as you can on his computer before he leaves. But if he does like to read and goes through books quickly maybe you should invest in a Kindle. 7 out of 10 times where they go will have internet and he can download books in less then a minute. Hope this helps and good luck. It will go by quickly!Im looking for a couple of good books for my husband?
';The Redemption of Althalus'; by David Eddings. Its a fantasy novel about a thief taken in hand by a goddess and who changes the world. I couldn't put it down!
My dad reads books by Sidney Sheldon. I don't know what they are like, but he reads them a lot.
He'd probably like ';Kite Runner'; if he's in the army

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