Saturday, January 9, 2010

Does your husband treat you nicer when your pregnant?

Mine does. I mean he's usually very good but is extra sweet during pregnancy. Makes me want to have a few more!! HAHA What about yours?Does your husband treat you nicer when your pregnant?
hubby dont know it isnt his yetDoes your husband treat you nicer when your pregnant?
Nope, I don't notice a difference so you are very lucky to have such a understanding man. I keep telling my husband that maybe he should read a few things about pregnancy so he can understand the hormones and changes that happen but he just doesn't get it however I don't act much different either so it's hard for him to see the changes I think.
god, you are so lucky. My husband is very stressed lately. (we are moving and he's laid off) but even during my last pregnancy he was nothing anywhere near sweet. He gets mad at my moodiness, and acts like everything only effects him. He truely thinks that he is some kind of victim when I am frustrated or upset.
Lol good question. He's a little quicker to apologize for pissing me off, but it still doesn't help. I still go off on him. Poor guys! You must be early in pregnancy. Just wait until you get closer to the end and he is just as tired of you as you are of him. I am almost 40 weeks and my husband is the biggest idiot I have ever laid eyes of. And everyone keeps saying I have to screw him so the baby will come. Over my dead body. All I want it the semen (it helps to soften and dilate the cervix) and he can just drain himself in a cup and give it to me. This must be your first pregnancy. LOL you are in for a wake up call. Once you get to the end of this one and realize you will not only have a newborn and a bigger baby at home (hubby), you will think twice about having more. LOL. you're making me want to turn around and slap my husband now.

Good question though.
My hubby has always been great...but now he is going above and beyond. I love him...he will do anything for me and I'm only 7 weeks prego with the first. He seems very concerned about everything making sure I don't work to hard or get tired. He wants me to get some rest every evening he tells me that I don't need to make dinner. He makes sure there is nothing on the floor that I could trip over or that I will need to pick up on my own. He won't even let me do laundry by myself. Thank god because I have been exhausted lately.
Mine was definitely more understanding. He spoiled me rotten during my first pregancy (I got massages every night, and I never asked for 1). The other 2 he didn't spoil me as much. My husband is always very sweet to me though, and would do anything for me.
YES! He's always very good to me but he's XTRA loving when I'm pregnant... He's the arrogant type with a quick temper but he calls ME his ';sweetness';, so its all that much better! lol

ps. he is also VERY turned on by pregnancy... he says, ';i did that!'; lol
For the most part my husband bends over backwards for me.

But when he found out I was pregnant he got a maid to come to the house once a week!

He was nervous because he was in Iraq and I miscarried a month before he had left and didn't want me doing anything while he was away!
I'm not married or anything but yes i think hubbies do treat their wives better when they are pregnant because....

1) they feel guilty because you're doing all the work

2) they've heard how hard pregnancy is

3) they know about the raging hormones, and don't want to set you off!
My husband is TOTALLY WAY WAY better when I am pregnant- he makes me remember why I love him so much LOL! He's not awful or anything when I'm not pregnant but definitely more lazy and less willing to help me with household stuff and the kids- once I'm pregnant he waits on me hand and foot!
awe, sweet, yea my hubby and i have really bonded during this time, we are both so blessed, and he considered me so girly and feminine for carrying his baby. we are lucky, imagine all the girls that get treated like during this time
Yes! It was his first and my second and he was always doing something sweet and now that his son is here he's not as nice as he was to me but he's awesome with the baby. i don't mind though, the kids are more important.
My husband has always been good to me and now at 37 weeks he just keeps getting sweeter ;-D

However, my mother has gotten a whole lot nicer (not that she was ever mean to me) since the pregnancy. I now know she's going to spoil her first grandchild!
I used to shave my wife's legs when she was pregnant. She still makes the request occasionally and I decline so I guess I did treat her nicer while she was pregnant.

Hubby takes care of me more and lets me get away with more.

for example: if I want ice cream, it is the baby that wants the ice cream, and the baby always gets its way. :)
Yes, he has been helping out with the kids so much, I really appreciate it seeing that I've been so sick during my first trimester.
Yeah he does, extra caring, and nurturing, and concerned.
my dad says he worshipped the ground my mom walked on till i was born, because she was threatening abortion and always hitting her stomach (my mom was hitting her own stomach)
Mine is still a jerk. Always was, always will be.

I usually greet him with a kiss, but think I am just going to put my foot up his a$$ the next time I see him instead.
I treated her nicely all the time. It's just that her second pregnancy nearly killed her and it brought things into sharp focus
My hubby a little crazy when i get pregnant, he always buy everything that i want it always fruit i like watermelon.....
he always treats me great, so I am lucky. Just as great when I was pregnant, and I too could have a dozen babies, although it's just not practical for me..... I love being pregnant!!!
my husband is always nice but yes, he is just that little bit sweeter. i'm on my third pregnancy and loving it.
yeah hes nice...

extra extra extra nice :)
He is pretty good, but he was nicer with my first. He says that he is letting it all out this pregnancy.
I recall mine was the opposite
Mine treated me really well when I was giving birth. I wish he had not..b/c then I was expecting him to keep it up after we got home with the baby too.
i haven't noticed a difference
Yes. He's more likely to get me what I want to eat,or offer a massage.. :D
mine has been, i think he knows how fat and frunpy i feel.. ive had a rough time with it

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