Saturday, January 9, 2010

Ladies, what would be your reaction if your BF or Husband told you that he wanted a sex change?

I probably would end the relationship and stay friends. You can't just stop loving someone for physical changes that's superficial.Ladies, what would be your reaction if your BF or Husband told you that he wanted a sex change?
Hmm.. well I'd definitely still be friends with him, but as far as an intimate relationship..? Nope!

I am not at all attracted to male-to-female individuals and I couldn't be 'into' it enough to even be intimate with him any longer.

I like masculine men -- the dominant, self-controlled, strong, intelligent yummy kind! ~ Not feminine guys.. =/

We could be best friends! And I'd even go shopping with him and give him a makeover if he wanted.. but no more sex or anything like that.

~ OH! And just so you know, I am so open-minded that I would KNOW if a guy was this way WAY BEFORE I even thought about marrying him.

I dig deep into a guy's psyche when dating.. trust meee... =)

Good luck!Ladies, what would be your reaction if your BF or Husband told you that he wanted a sex change?
This is not hypothetical this happens constantly. Sadly, the majority of the posters here emulate the average reaction to someone beginning a gender transition.

First off a person who is a real transsexual person is dealing with a very real and medically accepted congenital birth defect. Therefore leaving someone who transitions is leaving them for correcting a lifelong and painful birth defect. Am I not correct in that most wedding vows include the term, ';In sickness and in health';? These people never did mean that line.

Why is this? Love is not part of their true makeup. They prefer fear and ignorance to loving someone who is trying to become whole.

My partner just had her GRS last week and I am proud to be her mate. She is a wonderful person who is more loving than anyone I have ever known in life. That is what these sad sack posters want to throw away. I feel sorry for them and they should be ashamed of themselves.

The answers shown here in part demonstrate the sickness that is becoming America. Tolerance is allowing sickness to fester. And most of the answers are the further demonstration that the sickness is no Self Esteem. Not that we should hate that person.. But, we should get them the help they need. Cutting off God's work is the wrong thing to do. Most of these people were abused when they were young. It's not Hypo-anything, Just pathetic. Reed~%26lt;%26gt;%26lt;

i wouldn't be able to do it, personally.

i would remain good friends with you,

and maybe try to make it work, but i doubt i could.

another girl could, i'm sure.

it just depends.

but that'd be too wierd for me,

walking around holding a girl's hand,

and having sex with a girl, when i'm straight.

it just wouldn't work.

but don't worry about what others think.

do what makes you happy!

if you feel that becoming a woman will make you happier,

then get that dick chopped off!

life is too short to be anything but happy, baby.

do it for you.

good luck (:
Wow, I would be shocked at first. Ten talk threw it with him.

If he really wanted to do so , I would tell him look aound him his kids if he has any needs him ad his parents want im just the wayhe is and sometimes in life selfishness can harm people who love you.

if he still insists ill wish him luck and let go. I will still be in touch with him tho but just to seehow hes doing thats all.
wrong section

but i mean i would be hurt because the man i love wants to be a woman

and ill probably want to still be with her/him even tho it'll be weird but i still know its the same person

so maybe ill still try to be with the person male or female
My friends husband had his bit removed and now he fancies woman. She divorced him but my goodness she cant let go of him. I suppose he is now a lesbian. I don't know or do I care im just glad i wasn't married to him.
I would end it. I've seen this happen and I don't think it should even be legal. It leads to depression because it is permanent and most people realize that it's not what they really want.
Id ask him 2 get me the garden sheers while i packed my stuff

Id leave the fraud/liar that i married

Den snip snip, all our photos, den snip snip all his clothes, den snip snip.......
I'd end it immediatly. That would just be tooooooo weird.
haha thats a funny question btw !!!!!!
';Oh, not again!';
I would run away.
I think I could make it work; they would still be the same person. Well, inside at least.
whack him across the head

then leg it!
Well, first...... I would ask him if he's mental.......then i don't know what i'd do.
id say wtf and end it !
hokay so, up my bum hole

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