Saturday, January 9, 2010

Mature answers only. How do i deal with a ';toxic'; step mom who trys to play my ex husband against me

My ex and i have joint custody of our son so we need to discuss issues regarding our son which his new wife hates. She thinks the only time we should talk(ex and me) is if my son is on the way to the hospital.When i need to discuss something with my ex she allways wants to be involved.She even comes with him when he drops my son off at my house then makes my exhusband stay in the car with her and just sends my 6 yr old in .She even had my ex call my sons school to have them mail school info to their house becuase it was pissing her off that i would make copies of my sons school stuff for my exhusband.Because of her 7/10 times the only way i comunicate with my ex is by mail or sending a note with my son.Mature answers only. How do i deal with a ';toxic'; step mom who trys to play my ex husband against me
That is really a shame. Have you tried talking to her? It is not fair at all that she is trying to put these limitations out there. It might be more effective to talk to her than him though to start with. You can explain to her (and eventually to him) that right now the lack of communication might not seem to be impacting your son, but that sooner or later it will. You guys are not a couple anymore, but you are still parents to your child and I pray she will step back and let you guys be the best parents you can be. Good luck!Mature answers only. How do i deal with a ';toxic'; step mom who trys to play my ex husband against me
Nothing you can say will stop her from being like this. Your ex needs to step up and be a man about it and let her know that your son is his number one priority and that the two of you will have to talk to each other until he turns 18, and she just needs to except that fact period.
Where is your ex husband spine?Its probably shoved up his wife's @$$.Now that i said that i feel so much better.Why is she acting like that?Does she think when you guys are alone something might happen?Is she that insecure?She probably doesn't realize that you guys are divorce and it is final,everybody is saying talk to her but if i was in your situation i would of feel like slapping the b!tch and why is your son's school giving her the authority to make changes like that?Was she there when you guys were making your son?Tell your ex husband he needs to grow some balls in my opinion.And the best thing to do is play fire with fire,push your for your son's needs because while she's being a b!tch and your ex is being spineless your son is the only one getting affected
I would definitely stop putting your child in the middle, and not pass anything through him on your end. I would let them know that you will not except anything through your son also. You are going to have to be the grown up here, since he can't. She sounds threatened by you, and a control freak. Just go with the flow because by you making a big deal about anything makes her think you want him back. I know it sounds weird, but it's true.
Your EX is a total joke, as for her, it is his problem.
My mom isn't allowed to contact my dad at all, unless it's through mail, cause my stepmom doesn't like my mom. The only time she can call is in a dire emergency, like, I'm already dead or something. It's a horrible situation for a kid to be in.

This is kind of a hard situation, but you've got to find some way to compromise. If it keeps on like this, your little kid will start thinking its all his fault, because he's stuck in the middle.

You need to tell HER what you think, and that if it is going to be a harm to your son, than you don't give a care if she doesn't like that you are talking to your ex. It sounds like she is jealous and defensive, and doesn't trust her husband.
Well, obviously she is jealous. If I were you, in all seriousness I would try to get a court order to keep her away from your son. She is damaging him. He will not know how top properly handle his own adults relationships when he is older because of her actions. I know for a fact a judge would agree. I have seen 1 case just like this with friends of ours.

Why can't your husband be a man and tel her this is one thing that does NOT involve her and to keep out of it!
Your ex husband needs to be part of your parenting team....He`s a parent, and then a husband. That child did not ask for your divorce...

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