Saturday, January 9, 2010

If my husband was killed in an accident, is it normal for me to fear for my children's lives?

My husband was hit by a train and killed right in front of our house when he was 27 years old. My kids were 3 and 1 years old. Ever since then and even more so when my children became old enough to drive, I have been extremely fearful of something happening to my kids. My kids tell me that I am paranoid. Is this normal after something traumatic like this happens?If my husband was killed in an accident, is it normal for me to fear for my children's lives?
my dad died in a car wreck and ever since then I worry about my kids and my husband, my kids are still small but I know that one day that time will come and I am going to be very paranoid. I think it is because when something like that happens you never forget how it made you feel, and with them driving it brings back the same sort of feelings.If my husband was killed in an accident, is it normal for me to fear for my children's lives?
How long has it been since you lost your husband?? I think yes, it is normal to worry about them, its called being a mother. Most Mothers are paranoid to a certain extent, when it comes to their offspring. I understand that it had to be devastating to lose someone you love in such a horrible way and I also understand you couldn't bear to have something happen to them. Just as long as you still let your children have their own space. Even though we want to keep them as close to us as possible, its not really possible. Your little birds will have to fly and try their own wings. If you try to stop them, they will only resent you for it. Just put your trust and faith in God that he will take care of them. Thats about all you can do for now. May God bless you today and always...
It's normal and predictable but you don't have to stay in that mentality. Get some counseling or therapy to get your mind balanced again. It's separation anxiety. It's always been there since you lost your husband, and now that the kids are becoming more independent (and getting closer to the age your husband was when the accident occurred) the separation anxiety is becoming more acute. Get help with this! You can be much happier than this.
It's completely normal. You went through something extremely tragic. You already lost one of your loved ones and now you are worried you are going to lose another. Therapy might help, or time. But it is normal.
i'm paranoid of my daughter driving without tragedy like that!!!

it's a parent's worst fear

i tell her Never to drive drunk, i will cover the Cab bill, no questions asked

%26amp; every time she leaves ';Buckle Up';
It's normal to be worried about your kids even if you didn't experience the trauma of your husband being killed in an accident.

You said that you are extremely fearful though, if these fears are making it difficult for you to function or hampering your allowing your children to have the freedom and space that they need, then you should speak to a therapist or some type of mental health professional. There is no reason you, or your children, should have to live with unwarranted fears.

In the meantime explain your fears to your kids and set some rules that will help a little, like giving a quick call when they reach their destination and always calling if they are going to be late. In trade you have to agree to no lecturing or nagging when these calls are made, or they are not going to comply.

Best of luck to you.
Yes. You are afraid you will relive the pain of the loss of your husband.

Yes you are being paranoid. Remember, you cant control fate and misfortune. Every single human being is vulnerable to bad luck and nothing anyone can do can change that. The more you just let go and live life instead of trying to control it the more your spirit will be free.

Happiness is all in the mind/imagination, so is pain, misery, fear and suffering.
I would certainly think that such a traumatic experience could affect how you feel now.

I think it is quite normal to worry about your kids safety when they are out driving especially when they are teenagers.

But if they are adults, there is nothing you can do that worrying will change.
You are fine and no you are not a worry wart. I have not been thru that but I can imagine that if I were then I would not want my son to leave my sight. This is something that you have to work with your kids about, when they are old enough to have there own children, only then will they understand. For us parents, we will always worry about the sake of our children and when something so dramatic happens you cant help be be this way. Just remember that they will understand one day, and that you are going to make it just fine.
Yes, it is normal, but it can also be both debhilitating, and bothersome to your kids. I would suggest that you talk to a counselor about what happened. They will be able to help you come to accept what happened, and let go of the fear you have now. I think every parent fears for their kids safety, but if you are so worried that it is affecting you negatively, you should really do something to help yourself. I like to remind myself that everything is just the way it is supposed to be, and I have no control of what happens to others. I can only pray for the best, and have faith that everything is going to happen exactly as it is supposed to. My condolences for the loss of your husband. My prayers are with you all.
Initially I think it's normal. Some people, even if they don't actively believe this, have anxiety over the ';things happen in threes'; theory. But so much later in time? Counseling would benefit, and probably you'd be quickly reassured. I was taking flying lessons at the time my Dad died in a car accident. My family immediately demanded I stop. And I did, to honor my families wishes, but also because the training planes at my new location were in poor condition. But my family eventually got over it and my nephew took flying lessons. But I never went back, as it is a costly little hobby.

Good luck Sweetie! Blessings! - Bunny
Yes, but no it's normal to want to make sure that they're ok and every once in awhile check up on them, but don't be over protective, I'm only 16 and I'm some time worried about my family and friends, and that has only happened to me since my uncle Terry died in a car wreck, now like i said i want to make sure my friends and family are ok, but some time i do catch myself being over protective and they tell me to back off and give them some air, and i do but i still worry about them alot.. so tell your kids you love them and care about their safety if they say sumthing again about you being paraniod, I'm a teen and I'd understand if you told me that.

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