Saturday, January 9, 2010

If moving from Usa back to Ireland, does my Husband who is American Citizen have to get Return ticket to Ire?

He has not yet filed any papers to become irish resident. Is showing our marriage certificate enough for him to go to ireland without problems? I am Irish.If moving from Usa back to Ireland, does my Husband who is American Citizen have to get Return ticket to Ire?
Have you considered asking the nearest Irish consulate what the official line on this is?

If moving from Usa back to Ireland, does my Husband who is American Citizen have to get Return ticket to Ire?
From the Irish Alien Registration Office. Here's their answer. If, upon passing through Passport Control, the non-Irish spouse is asked the reason for their visit, the complete truth is the best response. The non-EU spouse should tell the Immigration official about the marriage to an Irish citizen. If asked, he or she should explain that the two of you are planning to move to Ireland.

Make sure you have an official stamped, certified copy of your marriage certificate with you!

If you're coming via plane from outside the EU, you'll probably pass through passport control together at the overseas airport and there shouldn't be any hassles.

Since a spouse has a legal right to reside here with an EU citizen, there should be no problem in just passing through passport control in the simplest way possible - assuming the non-national is not from a country requiring a visa to simply visit Ireland. If he or she does require a visa, you'd best contact your local Irish embassy for a visa - explaining the situation and providing the documentation.

Eire is part of the EU. You as a citizen of Eire may travel anywhere in the EU with your foreign spouse.I believe he has to register at with the police within 7 days but it would be best to phone your consulate first.Unlike Britain,the Irish respect your marriage.They deported my wife even though we had been married for 24 years.
A return is required, he will need his passport and proof that he intends to return to the U.S.

At this moment in time, he has no right to remain in Ireland and must depart at the end of his authorized period of stay.
he will need to have a valid passport valid for duration of stay plus 3 months, he will need a valid retunr ticket with a date of return.

best apply for residency prior to leaving .
You need to check with the Irish Embassy in New York, and get full details before you leave for Ireland. Good Luck to you, agus failtie abhaile.
Just the US passport will get him to go to any Euro countries without the need of visa. So he can go to Ireland with his US passport, no need nor use for marriage certificate
I think he still has to register with the bureau of immigration and have a return ticket.

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