Saturday, January 9, 2010

What are some good ideas for gifts to give your husband on Valentine's Day?

This is our first one as husband and wife, so I'd really like to find something special, but also something that he'd like, considering Valentine's Day seems more like it's for men to give to women. What do you think?What are some good ideas for gifts to give your husband on Valentine's Day?
Top Ten:

1. something he likes

3. Heart-oriented novelties

4. chocolates

5. a romantic dinner

6. a kiss

7. jewelry that you two share

8. just being together

9. something you two can share

10. Love!What are some good ideas for gifts to give your husband on Valentine's Day?
Valentine's Day Gift

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go 2 the spa togerther
if you go out to dinner DON'T go on February 14th! They charge more money and it takes longer to get served.

Pick another day you two can celebrate in comfort and peace!
A special date, the two of you. Why don't you buy some new lingerie, fix up a nice dinner, and light candles. Make the atmosphore romantic. That way you will get something as will he.

maybe, not. it isn't nice to have another mouth to feed if he's the one earning a living!

safe sex.

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