Saturday, January 9, 2010

Did'nt Palins husband belong to a group that wanted to secede from the US?

She's throwing dirt at Obama maybe Biden should be throwing dirt at her!Did'nt Palins husband belong to a group that wanted to secede from the US?
i find it sad when people talk **** about others and expect nothing to be brought up in return. Did'nt Palins husband belong to a group that wanted to secede from the US?
Yes, and palin gave a speech to the organization鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

Guess they don't like theUnited States very much!
Her husband registered with a party that wanted all of Alaskan national park lands returned to Alaska, not to secede
And Michelle Obama is not a proud American unless her husband is president, oh that's right, we just need to let that go.
what is he running for?

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